今天我们要学的词是 implore.

implore 的意思是恳求,呼吁。 Following the large fire that broke out at Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, President Trump implored officials to act quickly. 在巴黎圣母院燃起大火之后,特朗普总统恳请当地官员迅速采取行动。

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern implored lawmakers to “speak the names of those who were lost, rather than the name of the man who took them” in the massacre at two Christchurch mosques. 新西兰总理阿德恩恳请国会议员们,只提那些在基督城两所清真寺遭滥杀的遇难者的名字,而不是那个夺走这些人生命的男子的名字