今天我们要学的词是 endemic.

endemic 的意思是地方性的,当地流行的(疾病等)。 Supporters say Ukrainian comedian Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s landslide victory in the presidential runoff reflects public dismay with the country’s endemic corruption, a weak economy, and a five-year-old conflict with Russia. 乌克兰喜剧演员泽连斯基的支持者们说,他在总统决选中的压倒性胜利反映出公众对乌克兰腐败猖獗、经济疲软以及与俄罗斯五年冲突的失望情绪。

The WHO’s vaccination campaign against the polio virus is critical to Afghanistan and Pakistan, the only two countries in the world where the endemic virus continues to cripple children. 世卫组织推动脊髓灰质炎病毒的疫苗接种对阿富汗和巴基斯坦至关重要,这两个国家是世界上仅有的该流行性病毒仍导致儿童瘫痪的国家。