今天我们要学的词是 impede.

impede 的意思是阻碍、防止。 The Trump administration has announced a new policy that would impede immigrants already in the U.S. from obtaining permanent residency or citizenship if they’ve chose to use public welfare programs. 特朗普政府宣布了一项新政策,阻止那些选择接受公共福利的身在美国的移民获得永久居留权或公民身份。

British lawmakers have approved a measure to impede any attempt by the new pro-Brexit leader to take the country out of the European Union without a divorce deal. 英国议员们批准了一项措施,阻止支持英国脱欧的新领导人试图在没有脱欧协议的情况下将英国从欧盟撤出。