今天我们要学的词是 infringe.

infringe 的意思是违反,侵权。 The European Union is helping countries in Africa create biometric ID cards that could make it easier for people in the region to access government services, but critics fear the effort might infringe on Africans’ privacy. 欧盟正在帮助非洲国家建立生物识别身份证,帮助当地居民更容易获得政府服务,但批评人士担心,这一努力可能会侵犯非洲民众的隐私。

President Donald Trump has issued an executive order directing government agencies to restrict and remove federal research funding from universities that infringe on students’ rights to free speech. 特朗普总统已发布行政命令,指示政府机构对那些侵犯学生言论自由的大学限制和取消联邦研究经费。