今天我们要学的词是 unravel.

Unravel 的原意是拆解(线团等),引申出来是指揭开谜团,弄清事实。 也有计划、成就被破坏的意思。The whistleblower’s complaint on the Trump-Ukraine phone call that has all but unraveled, sparked the House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry. 举报人对特朗普总统与乌克兰总统电话通话的指控几乎还没有搞清楚,就引发了众议院民主党人的弹劾问询。

The office-sharing startup WeWork had been counting on an initial public offering and a contingent $6 billion loan to meet its cash needs, but that plan unraveled amid questions about its future profitability. 共享办公室的初创公司WeWork一直希望通过首次公开募股和一笔60亿美元的应急贷款来满足其现金需求,但由于其未来盈利能力受到质疑,这一计划落了空。