今天我们要学的词是 caveat.

caveat 的意思是提醒注意的忠告、警示。Congressional budget experts said that the caveat to a government-run health care system like “Medicare for All” could be increased wait times and reduced access to care. 国会预算专家表示,要引起注意的是诸如“全民健保”之类的政府管理的医保系统可能会增加就医等待时间,减少获得医疗的机会。

U.S. Federal law allows political candidates to make charitable contributions from their campaign accounts, with one caveat -the contributions cannot be used to personally benefit the candidate. 美国联邦法律允许政治候选人用其竞选账户的资金进行慈善捐款,但有一点要注意,捐款不能用于使候选人个人受益。