今天我们要学的词是 Distraught.

distraught 是形容烦恼不安,抓狂。The air pollution crisis in New Delhi has prompted officials to declare a public health emergency and people distraught over the pollution to consider leaving the city for good. 新德里的空气污染危机促使官员宣布进入公共卫生紧急状态,也让那些对污染状况不安的人们考虑永久离开这座城市。

The extremist group Islamic State has been growing its presence in Mozambique and reportedly preying on young Muslims who have been distraught because of unemployment and lack of economic opportunities in the country. 极端组织伊斯兰国在莫桑比克不断壮大,据报该组织一直在拉拢由于失业和那里缺乏经济发展机会而陷入困境的年轻穆斯林。