今天我们要学的词是 implode.

implode 的意思是内爆,由于内力而崩溃。Many expected that overnight millionaires from tech IPOs would lead the Bay Area housing market to get even hotter this year, but the narrative never gained traction because the IPO market imploded. 许多人曾预计,因科技公司上市而一夜暴富的百万富翁们将使得湾区房市变得更加火爆,但由于初始股市场崩溃,这种说法从未受到广泛关注。

The fall of the Berlin wall is seen as a key moment in the collapse of communism. Just two years later, the Soviet Union imploded and the Cold War was declared over. 柏林墙的倒塌被视为共产主义崩溃的关键时刻。在那仅仅两年后,苏联内部崩溃,冷战宣告结束。