今天我们要学的词是 permeate.

permeate 的意思是遍布、四处弥漫。 Michael Bloomberg’s spending on ads is up to $58 million as he and fellow billionaire Tom Steyer permeate television markets, spending the most on ads among the Democratic presidential candidates. 迈克尔·布隆伯格的广告支出高达5800万美元,他和另一位亿万富翁托马斯·斯蒂尔大撒电视广告,是民主党总统竞选参选人中广告支出最多的。

The Ukrainian people’s demand to end corruption forced the new Ukrainian Government to take measures to fight the rampant corruption which has long permeated that country’s political and economic systems. 乌克兰人民要求结束腐败,这使得乌克兰新政府不得不采取措施打击遍布其国内政治和经济体系中的猖獗腐败。