今天我们要学的词是 vindicate.

vindicate 的意思是维护、证明其正当性。 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson secured a big majority for his Conservative Party in Thursday’s general election, vindicating his decision to call an election. 英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊在星期四大选中赢得了保守党在议会的绝大多数席位,证明他决定举行大选是对的。

When given the opportunity to vindicate himself during an ABC interview this month, Hunter Biden vowed to divest himself from his investments in China and not serve on the board of any other foreign entities, like he did in Ukraine. 当亨特·拜登本月有机会在美国广播公司的采访中为自己辩护时,他发誓要放弃在中国的投资,并不再像在乌克兰那样担任任何其他外国实体的董事。