今天我们要学的词是 perilous.

perilous 的意思是危险的,险恶的。 Myanmar authorities detained 173 ethnic Rohingya aboard a boat off the southern coast, amid signs that more members of the Muslim minority group are making perilous sea voyages to escape persecution. 缅甸当局在其南部近海的一艘船上拘捕了173名罗兴亚人,有迹象表明,更多的穆斯林少数族裔为了逃避迫害而走上危险的海上逃亡之路。

The U.S. has become the world’s number one oil producer, some analysts argue that the status could help move international relations toward a U.S.-led order, which is the best hope for the world in this perilous century. 美国已成为世界第一大产油国,一些分析家认为,这种地位可能有助于国际关系朝着美国主导的秩序发展,而这是全球在这一危险世纪中的最大希望。