今天我们要学的词是 beefy.

beef是牛肉,beefy可以理解为像牛一样强壮,结实。Americans want bigger, beefier vehicles if the Chicago Auto Show, billed as the nation’s largest and first-of-the-year showcase for the automotive industry, is any indication. 如果作为美国最大而且是年度首个汽车业展览的芝加哥车展是一个先兆,那么这显示出美国人想要的是更大、更坚固的汽车。

As the frontrunner of Democratic presidential candidates, Sen. Bernie Sanders is hoping his campaign’s beefy presence of more than 200 staffers will help push it to a strong finish. 在民主党总统参选人中领先的参议员桑德斯希望他的200多人的竞选团队展现的强势将有助于他最后的强劲表现。