This is the VOA Special English AGRICULTURE REPORT.

June is the start of summer in northern areas of the world.Reports of food poisoning increase in warm weather. The Food Safetyand Inspection Service has released information on the problem. TheService is an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture.It offers suggestions to keep food safe in warm weather.

Natural causes can increase food poisoning cases in the summer.Bacteria can grow faster in warm weather. Uncooked meat may containharmful organisms that cause people to become sick.

Another reason for the increase in food poisoning in the summeris human activity. People spend more time outside and away from homein warm weather. Many people bring food to eat outside in parks orat the beach. Others cook meals outdoors in open fires near theirhomes or on camping trips.

Unwashed hands are a leading cause of the spread of bacteria.People should wash their hands with hot water and soap beforetouching food. It is important to find clean water when eating awayfrom home. If there is none, make sure to bring water forpreparation and cleaning. Or carry clean, wet washcloths forcleaning hands and surfaces.

Bacteria also can spread when food is transported, prepared andserved. Make sure to keep uncooked meat cold until it is cooked. Donot let liquid from uncooked meat touch other foods. Wash objectsthat held the meat before using again for cooked food.

Heating food for a long time at high temperatures will killharmful bacteria. But you cannot judge if food is cooked completelyby looking at its color. Experts advise people to use a thermometerwhen cooking. Food thermometers measure the exact temperature of thefood being cooked. They help guarantee that food is cooked to a safetemperature. Thermometers also can prevent food from being cookedtoo long and becoming too dry.

Keeping food at an unsafe temperature also can lead to foodpoisoning. Some foods left outside in warm weather for more than twohours may not be safe to eat. Experts say such foods should be keptin containers with ice to keep them cold. And, foods should be keptin the coolest part of a vehicle, away from sunlight, wheneverpossible.

This VOA Special English AGRICULTURE REPORT was written by GeorgeGrow.