This is the VOA Special English AGRICULTURE REPORT.

A new report by the National Safety Council says agriculture isone of the most dangerous industries in the United States. The groupsays that more than seven-hundred people died while working onAmerican farms in Nineteen-Ninety-Nine. One-hundred-fifty-thousandothers suffered injuries that prevented them from farming.

Recently, President Bush declared National Farm Safety and HealthWeek. The declaration notes that many young people are injured orkilled in preventable farm accidents. It says progress is being madein developing technology that makes farm work safer. It sayschildren must be taught to recognize risks on the farm and to worksafely.

The National Safety Council reports that one-hundred children diefrom farm work accidents each year in the United States. The grouporganized a national event for National Farm Safety and Health Week.This year, the subject was child safety.

The group notes the importance of keeping children safe from thedangers of farm work. It says many young children are at risk whenworking with farm animals. Others drown in waterways or in storagecenters for animal wastes.

The National Safety Council is urging farmers to develop a safetyand health plan for their farm operations, family and employees.Officials say such plans include a fire protection plan, chemicalstorage plan, farm safety rules and an emergency communicationsplan. They say all plans should be kept in writing and examinedyearly.

The group urges farmers to train all employees and inform them oftheir plans and rules. It says farmers should inspect theirequipment and farms for safety problems. Farmers should buy qualityproducts and use them as directed. They also should keep childrenaway from dangerous machines.

Studies show that farmers have the highest rate of death as aresult of conditions linked to tension, or stress. The NationalSafety Council notes that stress can create mental and physicalproblems if it is not treated. The group suggests that farmers talkabout their problems with family, friends, or clergy. They shouldlimit the use of alcohol and caffeine products. Farmers should stopsmoking. And they should get enough sleep.

This VOA Special English AGRICULTURE REPORT was written by GeorgeGrow.