This is the VOA SpecialEnglish Development Report.

The World Health Organization has released a report about howdisease weakens the economies of poor countries. For years, peoplebelieved that good health is a direct result of strong economicdevelopment. However, this study suggests the opposite is true. Itsays that strong economic development is an important result ofimproved health.

An international committee of economists and experts in publichealth and policy carried out study. It is based on almost ninetyinvestigations in countries around the world. Some people say thestudy is the most complete examination to link investments in healthcare to economic growth.

The study calls for a large increase in foreign aid for healthcare services in developing countries. In the world’s richestcountries, total spending for health care for each person is almosttwo-thousand dollars a year. However, in the world’s poorestnations, spending on health care for each person is only thirteendollars a year.

The W-H-O says this amount should be increased to thirty-eightdollars a year for each person by Two-Thousand-Fifteen. The moneywould help poor nations provide treatment for diseases. It wouldalso provide babies with important health care early in life.

Jeffrey Sachs of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts,led the study. He says about eight-million lives could be saved eachyear if the richest nations increased spending on health care indeveloping countries. In addition, Mister Sachs says more than fiftyof the world’s poorest countries would have a chance to improve theliving and economic conditions for their people.

The study links political crises in developing countries to highdeath rates among newborn babies. The report also provides newinformation about how AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria affect economicgrowth in developing countries. The researchers suggesteight-thousand-million dollars be provided each year to help fightthese diseases.

The W-H-O plans to send the study to many officials around theworld. They include heads of state, ministers of finance, health andtrade, members of national parliaments and non-governmentalorganizations. It says the report is a valuable guide for futureinternational health programs, policies and financing.

This VOA Special English Development Report was written by JillMoss.