This is the VOA SpecialEnglish Development Report.

Experts say deaths from infectious diseases can be greatlyreduced at very little cost with the use of some common devices andmedicines. The United Nations Population Fund magazine has listedthe seven most effective tools for life in a developing country.

Last year, an estimated forty-million people around the worldwere living with H-I-V, the virus that causes AIDS. One device thatcan prevent the spread of AIDS is the rubber condom. Men wearcondoms during sex to protect themselves from passing or receivingdiseases like H-I-V. A one-year supply of rubber condoms costs aboutfourteen dollars. There are also condoms for women.

Another tool for life in developing countries is a bed net tocover a person’s bed while sleeping. The cost of a bed net is aboutfour dollars. Bed nets prevent mosquito insects from biting peopleduring the night. Mosquitoes carry malaria, a disease that killsmore than one-million people every year. The World HealthOrganization says bed nets can reduce the number of child deathsfrom malaria by twenty-five percent.

Medicine to treat malaria is also important for people indeveloping countries. Anti-malarial drugs are considered ninety-fivepercent effective and cost as little as twelve cents for each pill.

Other kinds of medicine can treat tuberculosis. Tuberculosisspreads through the air from one person to another. The bacteriaattack the lungs. It takes at least six months for medicine to killall T-B bacteria. A full treatment costs about ten dollars. It isconsidered ninety-five percent effective in curing the disease.

Antibiotics to fight pneumonia are also important. Pneumonia is aserious infection of the lungs, which can cause death if untreated.Most treatments are considered ninety percent effective and cost aslittle as twenty-seven cents for each pill.

The U-N Population Fund says vaccine medicines can prevent thechildhood disease measles. The vaccine costs twenty-six cents forevery treatment including the equipment to inject the vaccine.

Finally, a simple liquid called Oral Rehydration Therapy cantreat a severe lack of fluids in the body. Many children around theworld suffer this condition caused by diarrhea. Oral RehydrationTherapy to restore body liquids costs about thirty cents.

This VOA Special English Development Report was written by JillMoss.