This is the VOA SpecialEnglish Development Report.

The United Nations Children’s Agency, UNICEF, and the WorldHealth Organization have released a new version of a publicationaimed at saving the lives of children. The book is called “Facts forLife.” It is filled with information about effective, low-cost waysto protect the health of young people.

International health expertsestimate nearly eleven-million children under the age of five dieeach year from preventable and treatable causes. About ninetypercent of these deaths happen at home.

Gro Harlem Brundtland heads the World Health Organization. Shesays that many deaths of children could be prevented if peopleunderstood what to do when children get sick. People should alsoknow when to seek medical help.

Doctor Brundtland says that pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria andmeasles are the main killers of babies. She says diarrhea andmeasles can be treated for a very small amount of money.

“Facts for Life” was first published in nineteen-eighty-nine.Since that time, officials say it has become one of the mostwidely-read books in the world. More than fifteen-million copies arebeing used in two- hundred countries. The information is importantfor parents, caregivers, health workers, teachers and governmentofficials.

This latest version has thirteen parts, each dealing with onemajor cause of child sickness and death. For example, one part dealsmainly with AIDS and the H-I-V virus that causes it. Other parts ofthe book have information about giving birth and breastfeeding.There is also information about child development, early learning,preventative medicines, healthy food, clean living conditions,emergencies and accidents.

“Facts for Life” is offered in two-hundred-fifteen languages. Thebook is written in simple language so that all people can understandthe medical information. The information in the book is based on thelatest scientific findings.

“Facts for Life” costs about seven dollars. You can order it ordownload the information from the UNICEF Internet Web site. Theaddress is Or you can contact the UNICEF office orcommittee in your country.

This VOA Special English Development Report was written by JillMoss.