This is the VOA SpecialEnglish Development Report.

Building things or making clothes can be difficult in developingcountries, especially without the correct tools. However, aninternational humanitarian organization called CARE is trying tochange this. CARE runs a special program called Tools forDevelopment to help workers in developing countries.

The Tools for Development program sells used tools and equipmentat low cost to people who have small businesses. The tools arepriced low enough so that poor people can buy them.

Roy Megarry (Ma-GARY) startedTools for Development fifteen years ago. At the time, he was thepublisher of the Globe and Mail, a Canadian newspaper. MisterMegarry got the idea for the program while visiting a technicaltraining school for boys in Lima, Peru.

The Catholic priest who operated the school told Mister Megarrythat the school needed equipment for its training program. MisterMegarry sent a letter to the president of Sears Company in Canadarequesting help. The company gave equipment to the school inexchange for advertising in the newspaper. Today, Tools forDevelopment receives free equipment and gifts from companies andorganizations all over the world.

Since the program began, more than two-thousand people havepurchased more than six-thousand tools and equipment. They paid atotal cost of one-million-two-hundred-thousand dollars. MisterMegarry says at least ten-thousand jobs have been saved or createdbecause of the program. Money gained from the sale of the tools isused for loans, training and shipping costs.

People can buy many kinds of equipment through Tools forDevelopment. For example, there are tools for metal workers,shoemakers, pipe builders, clothing makers and people who fixvehicles. Some computers are also sold.

Tools for Development is currently operating in Ecuador, CostaRica and Jamaica. However, CARE is hoping to expand the program toother developing nations. You can learn more about Tools forDevelopment. Write to CARE Canada, the Globe and Mail newspaper,four-four-four Front Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M-five-V,two-S-nine, Canada. Or you can visit the CARE Canada Internet Website at w-w-w-dot-c-a-r-e-dot-c-a.

This VOA Special English Development Report was written by JillMoss.