This is the VOA SpecialEnglish Development Report.

An ancient community in Botswana has launched a new program thatwill help development in that southern African country. The Bukakhwe(Bu-KA-kweh) San Bushmen have opened a center for visitors calledGudigwa (goo-DEE-gwa) Camp. The project will teach visitors fromother countries about the ancient San culture and protect wildanimals living in the area. This kind of project is calledecotourism.

The San culture dates backthousands of years. The people support themselves by hunting andeating locally grown plants. Bukakhwe hunters, or Bushmen, areconsidered experts at searching for animals. They have the abilityto discover the movements of animals from marks left in the sand.

Bukakhwe leaders hope to protect and continue their traditionsthrough the Gudigwa Camp. Sixteen people will be able to visit thecamp at one time. They will stay in grass huts modeled aftertraditional San Bushmen shelters. Local community members will takevisitors on walks. They will teach the visitors about San culture,using plants for medicine, gathering water during the dry season andtraditional storytelling, songs and dance.

The international environmentalgroup Conservation International and the organization WildernessSafaris helped the Bukakhwe Bushmen launch Gudigwa Camp. The projectis fully owned by the Bushmen. All money made from the camp will bereinvested into community development projects.

The goal of the camp is to reduce pressure on wild animals inBotswana’s Okavango (Oh-ka-VAN-go) area by providing other ways forthe Bukakhwe people to earn money. Hunting, increased humansettlements and more farm animals have threatened many of the area’srare animals. Among the threatened animals are the African elephant,the African wild dog and wild birds.

Pelonomi Venson (Pee-la-NO-May VIN-son) is the Minister forEnvironment, Wildlife and Tourism in Botswana. She says Gudigwa Campis a socially responsible project that is good for everyone. Thecommunity, she says, will be able to continue its ancient customs.Visitors will experience the rich culture of the Bukakhwe SanBushmen. And the wild animals in northeastern Botswana will beprotected.

This VOA Special English Development Report was written by JillMoss.