Welcome to AMERICAN MOSAIC — VOA’s radio magazine in SpecialEnglish.


This is Doug Johnson. Today is the Fourth of July, a holiday inthe United States. On our program:

We answer a question about how Americans celebrate this holiday…

And we tell about a related celebration in Europe …

But first, we explain why this is an important day for Americans.

American Independence Day


The Fourth of July is an important holiday in the United States.It is the day Americans celebrate the anniversary of theirdeclaration of independence from Britain. Nicole Nichols has thestory.


In the summer ofseventeen-seventy-six, the American colonists were deeply divided.Almost one in three was loyal to Britain. They could not imagine awar for independence. Yet most were increasingly angry about whatthey considered unfair treatment by the British government. Britaintaxed them without giving them representation. It also canceled anyof their laws that it did not like.

By June, the colonies were in open revolt. Some fighting hadalready taken place between colonial forces and British troops. Theidea of independence was spreading.

Delegates from the thirteen colonies gathered in Philadelphia fora meeting of the Continental Congress. These delegates were divided,too. Some still hoped the colonies could reach an agreement withBritain. Others believed the colonies could gain their rights onlyby becoming independent.

The Continental Congress agreed that a declaration ofindependence should be prepared. Thomas Jefferson led a committeechosen to write it. As they worked, the Congress continued to debatethe question of independence.

On July second, seventeen-seventy-six, the Congress took anofficial vote on the question. All the colonies except New Yorkvoted yes. The New York delegates said they were waiting for ordersfrom home before voting. But they promised that their colony wouldalso vote for independence.

John Adams wrote to his wife later that day. He said that Julysecond would become the official birthday of the new country. But hewas wrong. It was July fourth that became American’s officialIndependence Day. That was the day the Continental Congress voted toapprove the document.

The Declaration of Independence blamed the British government forall the wrongs done to the colonies. It declared that governmentshave the right to exist only to protect the rights of their people.And it said the people have the right to change their government ifit denies them their rights.

July Fourth in Denmark


Now you know why July fourth is celebrated as Independence Day inthe United States. But it might surprise you to learn that America’sIndependence Day is also celebrated in Denmark. Shep O’Nealexplains.


From the middle eighteen-eighties until nineteen-hundred, one outof every ten people in Denmark moved to the United States. They werepoor farmers seeking a new economy and a better life. Most settledin America’s Middle-West.

In nineteen-twelve, these immigrants created an organization. TheDanish-American Society bought land back home in Denmark, nearAalborg. That city is about two-hundred-fifty kilometers northwestof Copenhagen. The society gave the land to Denmark on the conditionthat America’s Independence Day would be celebrated there everyyear.

Denmark’s ruler agreed. King Christian established a nationalpark on the land. He said the park would represent the friendshipbetween the two nations.

That is why America’s Independence Day has been celebrated eversince at Ribald National Park and in the city of Aalborg. Thecelebrations were cancelled, however, during the years Nazi Germanyoccupied Denmark during World War Two.

Over the years, hundreds of thousands of visitors have joinedwith Danes in the celebration at Ribald Park. American and Danishflags fly side by side. People eat American and Danish food. Theylisten to speeches. Speakers have included presidents and otherfamous Americans.

Celebrations in nearby Aalborg extend over several days. Eventsthis year began on Wednesday and will continue until Sunday. Thefestivities include fireworks, parties, picnics and concerts. TheUnited States Air Forces in Europe Band is taking part this year.Senator Bill Nelson of Florida is to speak, along with officialsfrom the American Embassy in Copenhagen and the Danish ambassador tothe United States.

Celebrating July Fourth in the United States


Our VOA listener question this week comes from China. Zhang Caiasks what Americans do on Independence Day.

The traditional thing is to gather family and friends outside inthe warm summer air, to play sports and eat hot dogs, hamburgers andchicken — all cooked on charcoal fires.

Towns and cities hold parades. People young and old take part.One modern patriotic song has found its way into many July Fourthcelebrations. It is Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless The U.S.A.”


As the sun goes down, thefireworks begin. In many cities and towns, people gather in openareas, such as a sports field or park. They watch bursts of brightcolored stars and other shapes across the night sky. Many peopleconsider fireworks to be the best part of any Fourth of Julycelebration. They say the exploding shells recall the RevolutionaryWar for independence that gave birth to the United States.

We leave you now with a patriotic marching song heard at manyFourth of July fireworks shows. John Philip Sousa wrote it manyyears ago. It is “The Stars and Stripes Forever.”



This is Doug Johnson. I hope you enjoyed our special Fourth ofJuly program.

Our program was written by Nancy Steinbach. Our studio engineerwas Rick Barnes. And our producer was Paul Thompson.

Join us again next week for AMERICAN MOSAIC — VOA’s radiomagazine in Special English.