Welcome to AMERICAN MOSAIC — a VOA Special English program aboutmusic and American life that also answers your questions.


This is Doug Johnson. This week, we answer a listener’s questionabout different religions in America, and listen to music by StephinMerritt. But first a report about an unusual kind of university.

Grandparents University


Almost two-hundred-fifty young and older Americans have completedan unusual summer school at the University of Wisconsin. Olderadults and their grandchildren studied together at the school’sGrandparents University.

Grandmothers and grandfathers helped show the children what auniversity does. The grandparents helped the children recognize thevalue of a university education. Faith Lapidus has more.


One-hundred-sixteen grandparents and one-hundred-thirtygrandchildren attended the yearly Grandparents University thissummer. The children were ages seven to fourteen. For two days,young and older students attended classes and activities together.The program took place in the university’s center in the city ofMadison, Wisconsin. Most students stayed in the school’s studenthousing.

Those in the grandparents programcould learn about subjects including archeology and food science.They could study fine arts or animal health.

School officials say professors use words that children canunderstand during the classes. But they do not try to make thematerial easy.One summer school goal is to provide children with anidea of what they might want to become as adults. Their grandparentshave chosen their life’s work. Many have already retired. But theirgrandchildren must make this decision in the future.

At the end of the program, the old and young students take partin a graduation ceremony. They receive documents showing that theyhad completed their studies.

Most of the grandparents say that studying at the University ofWisconsin is like returning to their younger days. Two-thirds of thegrandparents attended that university. Most are from Wisconsin. Butthe grandchildren live all over the United States.

Older adults also can take part in other courses at theUniversity of Wisconsin in Madison. For example, Senior Academyoffers studies in two living centers for older citizens in Madison.These classes are taught over a period of four weeks. This summer,Senior Academy students took part in a course called “Life HistoryServices.” The students received help in sharpening their memoriesand learning to write their life stories. One popular course offeredearlier this year told about the music of George Gershwin.

Religious Freedom


Our VOA listener question this week comes from China. Ham wantsto know about relations between Christians and Jews in the UnitedStates.

Religion has been a major influence on American history. Manypeople came to America to escape religious hatred in other lands.The Constitution of the United States guarantees freedom of religionto every American. This policy has helped Christians, Jews andpeople of other faiths live together peacefully. Recently, documentsfrom the history of that religious freedom were celebrated atAmerica’s oldest Jewish religious center. It is Touro Synagogue inProvidence, Rhode Island.

The Touro Synagogue was built inseventeen-sixty-three. Its first members were Jews from Spain andPortugal. They had fled from unfair treatment in South America andislands in the Caribbean. In nineteen-forty-six, the United StatesCongress approved a measure to protect the Synagogue as a nationalhistoric place. The Synagogue is important to history because thecountry’s first president wrote a letter to its members and visitedthe building. Every summer, people gather there to hear a reading ofthe letter that George Washington wrote in seventeen-ninety.

That was more than a year before the United States accepted theBill of Rights that guarantees religious freedom. On Augustseventeenth, a synagogue official named Moses Seixas (SAY shus)wrote a letter to President Washington. Mister Seixas was hoping thepresident would guarantee religious freedom in the new nation. Heexpressed this concern especially because people in other nationshad treated Jews badly for centuries.

President Washington’s letter said the Jewish people shouldcontinue to enjoy the good will of others in the United States. Hewrote that every person should, in his words, sit in safety underhis own vine and fig tree, and there shall be none to make himafraid.

This year, for the fifty-sixth time, Touro Synagaogue invitedseveral officials to read these documents. Providence Mayor DavidCicilline ((Sis eh ‘LEE nee)) read the words of Moses Seixas. Aretired United States Navy official, Barbara McGann, read PresidentWashington’s reply.

Today, visitors to Washington, D.C. can see both of theseletters. The President’s letter also can also be seen at the TouroSynagogue in Newport.

Stephin Merritt


The Gothic Archies, the Sixths, the Future Bible Heroes, theThree Terrors and the Magnetic Fields. These are the names of someof the musical projects of New York songwriter Stephin Merritt. Hehas recorded thirteen albums under these names sincenineteen-ninety-three. Shep o’Neal has more.


Critics have said Stephin Merritt’s songwriting talents aresimilar to those of world famous composer Cole Porter. The words ofhis songs often represent unhappy people whose lovers are leaving,already gone, or have never really been present. They are dark,funny, and always smartly written and recorded.

Stephin Merritt also mixes musical styles freely. He often movesfrom country songs to disco-pop to love songs popular during WorldWar Two. Here he sings “Papa Was A Rodeo.”


Stephin Merritt’s most popular and critically well-received workis called “Sixty-Nine Love Songs.” The work is just that: sixty-ninelove songs on three albums. His longtime friend and band manager issinger Claudia Gonson. She also performed on the album. Here shesings “Reno Dakota.”


Stephin Merritt is now working on a film musical with writerDaniel Handler. You can find out more about all of Mister Merritt’sprojects at www.houseoftomorrow.com. We leave you now with StephinMerritt singing “Busby Berkeley Dreams.”



This is Doug Johnson. Do you have a question about American life?Write to us at American Mosaic, VOA Special English, Washington,D.C., two-zero-two-three-seven, USA. Computer users can sendquestions to mosaic at v-o-a news dot com. If we use your question,we’ll send you a gift. So make sure to give your name and mailingaddress.

This program was written by Bob Brumfield and Jeri Watson. Ourproducer was Paul Thompson. And our engineer was Bob Doughty.

I hope you enjoyed our program. Join us again next week forAMERICAN MOSAIC — VOA’s radio magazine in Special English.