Welcome to AMERICAN MOSAIC — a VOA Special English program aboutmusic and American life. And we answer your questions.


This is Doug Johnson. This week weget into the spirit of Halloween, complete with scary music andtales of ghosts.

But first — some explanation.

Holidays in U.S.


Our VOA listener question this week comes from Kathmandu, Nepal.Sunil Dhungana asks about the major holidays in the United States.

There are national holidays, like Labor Day, Veterans Day,Independence Day, Thanksgiving and Martin Luther King’s Birthday.Federal offices close. State and local governments and schools oftenclose too, as do many private workplaces.

Many Americans also observe major holidays of their religions.The Constitution calls for separation of religion and government.But government offices and public schools, and most businesses,traditionally close for Christmas.

Now, there are other holidays that some people would surelyconsider major. But no one gets the day off from work or school.These are observances like Valentine’s Day and Halloween. In fact,today IS Halloween, a celebration that goes back more thantwo-thousand years.

October thirty-first was the Day of the Autumn Feast for theCelts of ancient Britain. Celtic priests prayed that the spirits ofthe dead would return to their homes for a few hours. The Celtsbuilt huge fires to frighten away evil spirits released with thedead that night.

Hundreds of years later, the Roman Catholic Church made Novemberfirst a day to honor Christian saints. It was called All Saints Dayor All Hallows Day. The day before was known as Hallow Eve orHalloween. The name came from the church. But the traditions werecloser to the old Celtic beliefs.

People from Scotland and Ireland brought these traditions toAmerica. Many believed that spirits played tricks on people the lastnight of October.

In the late nineteenth century, American children helped thespirits with tricks of their own. On Halloween, they would do thingslike change street signs or put a wagon on top of a house. ManyAmericans continue to celebrate Halloween. Children and adults go toparties dressed as ghosts, monsters or famous people. Many childrenalso go house to house yelling “trick or treat” and asking forcandy. If the trick-or-treaters do not get what they want, they mayplay a trick. But usually they get the candy.



Halloween is one night when ghostsare very popular. For one thing, being a ghost is one of the easiestcostumes for a trick-or-treater to make. All you need is to pull ona big piece of white cloth with two holes for the eyes. But wherecan you go to meet ghosts on other nights? Shep O’Neal has someideas.


One thing is known for sure. Many people enjoy visiting placesthought to be occupied by the spirits of dead people. Old storiessay ghosts do things like move furniture and turn lights on and off.When these kind of things happen in a house, it is said to behaunted.

One of the best-known haunted houses is the Whaley House, in SanDiego, California. People say numerous ghosts live in the Whaleyhouse, including those of past family members. Workers in the museumand some visitors say they have observed ghostly activities.

Another place is a big home in New Orleans, Louisiana. MadameDelphine Lalaurie lived there in the eighteen-thirties. She hadslaves, and old stories say she treated them violently. Now thehouse is a favorite of visitors. And they report numerousfrightening noises and images inside and outside of the house.

To experience a haunted house for more than a day, you can stayin a haunted hotel. The Groveland Hotel in Groveland, California,has a ghost they call Lyle. It seems he likes to play with thelights, move things in the office, and turn on the water in thebathrooms.

In Union, South Carolina, guests find out that ten ghosts live atthe Inn at Merridun. The Inn has a history of unusual happenings andghostly appearances. And the owner’s cat reportedly often talks to”someone” — we’re not sure who.

Many other places in the United States have haunted hotels, too.If you ever decide to stay in one, just make sure the ghosts arefriendly!

Halloween Music


All the monsters who come to the front door are frighteningenough. But Halloween also brings out scary music in homes andparties. Faith Lapidus has more.


An album called “Andrew Gold’s Halloween Howls” is filled withsongs for children. The opening song is called “It Must BeHalloween.”


Another album, “New Wave Halloween” brings back songs by bands ofthe nineteen-eighties. Here is Oingo Boingo with “Dead Man’s Party.”


Forget the rock and roll and children’s music. Some of thescariest sounds perfect for Halloween come from the world ofclassical music. Picture now a deathly individual, playing a violinin a burial ground at night. Skeletons move about to the music. Hereis the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra performing Camille Saint-Saens'”Danse Macabre.”



This is Doug Johnson. Our program was written by Chi Un Lee,Nancy Steinbach and Caty Weaver. Our producer was Paul Thompson. Andour engineer was Skip Sisk.

I hope you enjoyed AMERICAN MOSAIC. Join us again next week for VOA’s radio magazine in Special English.