Ever since that time, the Netherlands has been the world’sbiggest producer of tulip bulbs. Tulip bulbs alone are a forty-onemillion dollar export business.

In the northern part of the world, most tulips by now havealready been planted in the ground for spring flowering. But anotherway of planting tulips and some other bulb flowers is growing inpopularity. It is called forcing bulbs. This method is a way to growflowers in the middle of winter.

This is how it is done. Use planting containers about tencentimeters across but not very deep. You can plant as many as threetulip bulbs, spaced about one centimeter apart. Fill the containerswith loose, fertile soil. Chose large bulbs that are hard and do notshow any signs of disease, like gray mold.

Plant the bulbs so their pointed end is just above the level ofthe soil. Water the bulbs well. Then store them in a cool, darkplace. Bulbs need temperatures of about five to ten degrees Celsiusto begin to grow. Do not let the soil get dry, but do not put toomuch water either.

After six to ten weeks, the bulbs should have leaves aboutseveral centimeters long. The roots should be well developed. Movethe containers out of the cold. Place them where they will receivemoderate light.

Experts say the bulbs store enough food to produce flowers, sothere is no need to fertilize them. About four weeks later, in themiddle of winter, the bulbs should produce flowers.

This VOA Special English Agriculture Report was written by MarioRitter. This is Steve Ember.