Norah Jones New Album


Norah Jones is a twenty-four-yearold singer. Her first album, “Come Away With Me” was a huge success.It was released two years ago. It has sold more than eight-millioncopies in the United States and seventeen-million copies around theworld. And it won eight Grammy awards last year. Now, Norah Joneshas a second album. Phoebe Zimmermann tells us about it.


Norah Jones’ new album is called “Feels Like Home.” It wasreleased last month and sold almost two million copies within threeweeks. The week after it was released, it was the top album in atleast sixteen countries. Here is a song from the new album. The songis called “Sunrise.”


Norah Jones’ beautiful voice makes her new album similar to herfirst one. However, this album is also different. Jones and themembers of her band wrote ten of the thirteen songs on “Feels LikeHome.” Norah Jones wrote this one, “What Am I to You?”


Most of Norah Jones’ music is influenced by jazz. However, thereare several songs on “Feels Like Home” that sound like country andbluegrass music. Country singer Dolly Parton joins Norah Jones onthis song. We leave you with “Creepin’ In.”



This is Doug Johnson. I hope you enjoyed AMERICAN MOSAIC. Join usagain next week for VOA’s radio magazine in Special English.

This program was written by Shelley Gollust, Jill Moss and NancySteinbach. Paul Thompson was the producer. And our engineer wasAudreus Regis.