This is Robert Cohen with the VOA Special English DevelopmentReport.

The United States Food and DrugAdministration has approved a new test for H.I.V., the virus thatcauses AIDS. Experts say it is low in cost, easy to use and providesfast results. The method tests liquid saliva from a person’s mouth,instead of his or her blood. Results are ready within twentyminutes, and are ninety-nine percent correct.

OraSure Technologies in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania developed thetest. It is called OraQuick Rapid H.I.V. Antibody Test. The test isbased on technology created earlier by the company that tests asingle drop of blood. OraSure President Michael Gausling says thesaliva test can be used anywhere, anytime and by anyone.

He adds that there is no risk of spreading H.I.V. with the test.In the past, some health workers have accidentally become infectedwhen testing people’s blood for the virus.

Public health officials believe the OraQuick test will help fightAIDS in two ways. First, it could result in more people gettingtested. The process is simple. A piece of cotton is moved across thegums inside a person’s mouth. It is then put into a liquid in thetesting device. Two colored lines appear on the device if antibodiesto the virus are present.

The test also will permit people to get their results quickly. Inmany developing countries, blood test results can take up to twoweeks. Because of this, people often do not return to find out ifthey are infected. The new test will let a person know within twentyminutes if he or she is infected. An infected person could receiveimmediate information about treatment and how to stop the diseasefrom spreading.

World health officials estimate that as many as ninety-fivepercent of people with H.I.V. in developing countries do not knowthey are infected. Mister Gausling hopes the OraQuick test willchange this. He says that humanitarian aid workers and people withlimited health care experience will now be able to quickly identifyand help patients with the disease.

OraSure officials estimate the OraQuick test will cost betweeneight and twenty dollars in the United States. However, they believethe product will cost much less in other countries. Americanofficials say the new H.I.V. test will be especially important foruse in Africa, which is the worst affected part of the world.ThisVOA Special English Development Report was written by Jill Moss.This is Robert Cohen.