This is Gwen Outen with the VOA Special English AgricultureReport.
The state of Florida usually enjoys excellent weather conditionsfor agriculture. But this year, Florida has suffered from two majorocean storms. Hurricane Charley hit the western coast of Florida inthe middle of August. Three weeks later, Hurricane Frances struckthe eastern coast and crossed the state.
Florida’s Agriculture Commissioner Charles Bronson estimates thatthe two storms have cost farmers between eight hundred and onethousand million dollars. Mister Bronson asked Florida Governor JebBush to declare an agricultural disaster in thirteen counties.
Florida’s total crop production is worth almost seven thousandmillion dollars. That is fourth in the nation.
The orange is Florida’s biggest single crop. It is one of severalkinds of citrus fruit. Florida has a sixty-eight percent share ofthe value of the fresh orange market.
The state’s citrus industry is the most valuable in the country.Some reports place the total value of the industry at about ninethousand million dollars, including processed products.
The United States Department of Agriculture had expected a goodcitrus harvest for two thousand four. After Hurricane Charley,officials estimated that about twenty percent of the crop was lost.
Hurricane Frances affected many of the same areas. It broughtwinds of over one hundred fifty kilometers per hour. It also broughtheavy rains and flooding to many areas. Citrus-producing areas likeIndian River, St. Lucie and Martin counties were damaged by bothstorms.
Officials are still studying the damage to Florida’s citrus crop.Reports suggest that the grapefruit harvest will be severely hurt.
Florida produces more than seventy percent of the country’sgrapefruit. Its share of the market is worth about two hundredmillion dollars.
Also, farmers are still trying to estimate the damage caused tothe vegetable crop. Florida has the second most valuable vegetablecrop of any state. It grows more than one fourth of America’stomatoes.
After Hurricane Charley, Congress approved two thousand milliondollars in aid for Florida that President Bush requested. HurricaneFrances added to the damage. And now, areas of Florida have beenpreparing for the possible effects of another major ocean storm,Hurricane Ivan. The Atlantic hurricane season is just over halfwaythrough.
This VOA Special English Agriculture Report was written by MarioRitter. This is Gwen Outen.