I’m Gwen Outen with the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

Nebraska Governor Mike Johannsgrew up on a farm. As he likes to say, everything in life has seemedeasy since then. Now Mister Johanns is President Bush’s choice forthe next agriculture secretary.

The president says Mister Johanns knows the needs of farmers. Hesays his nominee is a strong supporter of fuels such as ethanol andbiodiesel that are made from farm products. And Mister Johanns hasled farm delegations to a number of countries.

Mike Johanns was born in Iowa. He is fifty-four years old. He waselected governor of Nebraska in nineteen ninety-eight. Voters in theMidwestern state re-elected him in two thousand two. As governor, hehas sought to cut property taxes and to expand agricultural tradefor his state.

Mister Johanns must be confirmed by the Senate to replace AnnVeneman, who is resigning.

Mizz Veneman has not had an easy time as agriculture secretary.Last December the first, and so far only, confirmed case of mad cowdisease was found in the United States. The discovery in Washingtonstate led more than thirty nations to ban imports of American beef.

Also, bird flu spread among some chicken farms in parts of theUnited States. This was not the severe form of virus that has killedpeople in Southeast Asia. Still, the outbreak led several nations toban imports of American chickens.

In recent years, American farmers have also faced greater foreigncompetition. In fact, next year, the Agriculture Department expectsimports of farm products into the United States to equal exports.This has not happened in almost fifty years.

And the next agriculture secretary will have to deal with anotherthreat: the risk of a terrorist attack on the nation’s food supply.

The Agriculture Department is responsible for areas of foodsafety and for agricultural research. It is also responsible forprograms including farm loans and development. In addition, thedepartment works to expand markets for American agriculturalproducts. And it supervises national forests and other naturalresources.

Congress established the Department of Agriculture in eighteensixty-two. The department is one of the largest in the government.It has over one hundred thousand employees. Its two thousand fivebudget is more than eighty thousand million dollars.

This VOA Special English Agriculture Report was written by MarioRitter. I’m Gwen Outen.