奥巴马在爱奥华州和印第安纳□ ‘7b进行竞选活动。这位伊利诺州参议员一向把麦凯恩的经济政策同不受欢迎的现任总统布什的经济政策相联系。最新的民调显示,两位候选人在印第安纳州的竞选难分上下,而印第安纳州过去一直是共和党能够依靠的州。爱奥华州曾先后支持共和党和民主党。但是最新的民调显示,奥巴马目前的领先幅度不小。
American Presidential candidates John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama are fighting for undecided voters in the American heartland today (Friday). Senator McCain is spending a second day in Ohio, where today he vowed to overtake Senator Obama’s lead there and in other key states. The Arizona senator again bashed Obama’s tax plan, claiming his rival would raise taxes and make a bad economy even worse.
Obama is campaigning in the states of Iowa and Indiana. The Illinois senator has been linking McCain’s economic policies to those of the unpopular incumbent president, Republican George Bush. The latest polls show the race is very tight in Indiana, which is usually reliably Republican. Support in Iowa has shifted between both parties, but the latest surveys show Obama currently holds a significant lead there.