罗马尼亚出生的德国作家赫塔.米勒获得2009年诺贝尔文学奖。 瑞典皇家科学院决定今年的诺贝尔文学奖得主。他们在星期四宣布米勒获得了这个奖项,并称赞她通过诗歌和散文描写弱势群体的能力。


米勒的家庭来自一个在罗马尼亚讲德语的少数民族,她的父亲曾在二战中参加了德国党卫军。罗马尼亚共产党在1945年以后把她的母亲驱逐到了苏联的劳工营。 1987年,米勒和她的丈夫从罗马尼亚移民到德国。


Romanian-born German writer Herta Mueller has been awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize in literature.The Swedish Academy, which chooses the literature prize winners, honored Mueller on Thursday for her ability in poetry and prose to depict “the landscape of the dispossessed.”

Her works include “Niederungen” and “Oppressive Tango,” which depicted life in a small German-speaking village in Romania.

Mueller’s family came from a German-speaking minority in Romania, and her father was in the German SS during World War Two.The Romanian communists deported her mother to a labor camp in the Soviet Union after 1945.In 1987, Mueller and her husband emigrated from Romania to Germany.

Mueller will receive a $1.4 million prize, a diploma and an invitation to the prize ceremony in Stockholm, Sweden on December 10.