




美国总统奥巴马预计将列出一个为期四年的撤军计划,定于明年开始将13万北约部队撤出阿富汗,而且将逐步把控制权交给阿富汗安全部队。Leaders from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization will meet in Lisbon, Portugal Friday to discuss a new post-Cold War era mission, the war in Afghanistan, and their relationship with Russia.

NATO is expected to unveil a new “strategic concept” to address global security concerns that have drastically shifted since the alliance last revised its mission 11 years ago.

The new focus of the 28-member Western military alliance was drafted by a group of experts led by former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

A former U.S. ambassador to NATO, Robert Hunter, says the evolution of security challenges over the last decade from territorial disputes to global terrorism, cross-border crime and cyber threats has shaped the new focus of the organization.

Afghanistan also will top the agenda of the two-day summit.

U.S. President Barack Obama is expected to outline a four-year withdrawal plan of 130,000 NATO troops, which is set to begin next year and will gradually hand over control to Afghan security forces.