
这次集会之前,穆斯林和基督徒之间发生的教派冲突在周末造成12 人死亡。埃及的科普特基督徒和保守的穆斯林之间的暴力激起人们对宽容的呼声高涨。示威的人群中有有人挥舞着巴勒斯坦旗帜,支持巴勒斯坦地区星期五的集会。


Thousands gathered in Cairo’s main square on Friday urging an end to sectarian violence, continued political reforms and support of the Palestinian cause.

The rally comes after Muslim-Christian clashes left 12 dead over the weekend in sectarian fighting. Violence between Egypt’s Coptic Christians and conservative Muslims has led to calls for tolerance.

Some in the crowd waved Palestinian flags in support of rallies on Friday in the Palestinian territories leading up to Sunday’s commemoration of what Palestinians call Naqba ((catastrophe)), the anniversary of the creation of Israel. Others called for continued political reforms and the prosecution of officials linked to the former government of ex-president Hosni Mubarak.