
Jessica:Hey 吴琼!你怎么看起来无精打采的!怎么啦?

WQ: 别提了。还不是我男朋友,他什么都告诉他妈妈,连我们吵架都说,我真是受不了了,简直就是个没长大的孩子嘛! 

Jessica: Oh yeah, mama’s boy can be hard to deal with.

WQ: Wait a second…你说,mama’s boy? 

Jessica: Yep. Mama’s boy is used to describe a guy who is excessively attached to his mother. 

WQ: 哦,就是什么都要听妈妈的话的那种男生!简直就是我男朋友的写照嘛…Mama’s boy! 那,什么都听父母话的女生要怎么说?

Jessica: We call that kind of girl Daddy’s little girl. 爸爸的小女儿。

WQ: Mama’s boy, Daddy’s little girl, 真形象!其实我觉得,孩子有这种依赖性,家长也有责任!

Jessica: Yep. I’ve seen some helicopter parents. They are pretty scary. 

WQ: Helicopter parents?直升机家长?

Jessica: That’s right. Helicopter parents refer to those who always hover over their children even when they’ve already grown up. 就是对孩子过度保护的家长。

WQ: 哦!helicopter parents 直升机家长,是说家长像直升机一样一直在你头顶上嗡嗡嗡地盘旋!对了,前段时间还出了个“虎妈”,你记得吗!虎妈要怎么说?

Jessica: Of course. 虎妈 is called Tiger Mom.

WQ: 哈哈,对,现在大家都管这种对子女管教特别严厉的妈妈叫做 tiger mom 虎妈!Thank goodness! My mom is not a tiger mom!

Jessica: Good for you! 好,现在看看你今天都学了什么吧!

WQ: 第一,形容对家长严重依赖的孩子,男孩可以用 mama’s boy, 乖乖女可以叫 daddy’s little girl; 

第二,过份关心孩子的直升机父母是 helicopter parents;

第三,管教严厉的母亲,叫 tiger mom!