

他说:“让我们铭记在心:与魔鬼绝无对话可言。” 教宗教导信徒拒绝虚浮、骄傲和奢华。他敦促墨西哥人走在构建国家未来的“前沿”。

Pope Francis travels Monday to heavily indigenous Chiapas, Mexico’s poorest state, where he will preside over a Mass conducted in three indigenous languages. He then visits Morelia, the capital of the western state of Michoacan where farmers in 2013 took up arms to battle the so-called Knights Templar drug cartel.

On Sunday, Francis held an open air Mass for some 300,000 Roman Catholic faithful in Mexico City’s suburb of Ecatepec. The pontiff spoke out against the drug trade and associated violence; a central theme of his five-day visit.

“Let’s get that in our heads, with the devil there is no dialogue,” he said while urging the faithful to resist vanity, pride and wealth. Francis urged Mexicans to be on the “front lines” in forging their country’s future.