





White House officials say President Barack Obama will visit Cuba next month, a major, symbolic step in the warming of ties between the two Cold War enemies.

The Obama administration will formally announce the trip Thursday, according to a senior administration official, who said the visit will be a part of the president’s travels to Latin America.

CNN reported the visit is planned for March 21-22, before the president flies to Argentina.

The trip had long been expected as part of Obama’s effort to make as much progress as possible in improving ties with Cuba before he leaves office in January, 2017.

Late last year Obama said he would like to visit Cuba by the end of 2016, but only if the Communist-led country makes enough human rights reforms and he can meet with political dissidents.

Cuban officials have not commented on the reported Obama visit. After the president’s comments in December, Havana said they welcome Obama, but warned him against meddling in the country’s internal affairs.