美语三级跳 – 017B 宠物: 中级课程
Tom说服了Mindy,俩人养了一只狗,可是这狗很不听话,经常惹麻烦,所以,Tom和Mindy打算训练训练它。 Professor: Right Winnie. Some dogs are so bad, they need to be trained by a professional. Mindy: Gosh Tom, why did I ever agree to get this dog? It’s…
一个让你免费在线学习VOA英语的好地方! 无须报名, 不收学费, 全年无休, 保证提高! (^_^)
Tom说服了Mindy,俩人养了一只狗,可是这狗很不听话,经常惹麻烦,所以,Tom和Mindy打算训练训练它。 Professor: Right Winnie. Some dogs are so bad, they need to be trained by a professional. Mindy: Gosh Tom, why did I ever agree to get this dog? It’s…
Tom和Mindy刚搬进新家,打算养只宠物。可是Tom喜欢狗,Mindy喜欢猫,俩人一时决定不了到底养什么。 Professor: Say Winnie, are you a dog person or a cat person? 老实说,养猫养狗太费事儿,我都不喜欢! Tom: I love this new house, Mindy! I can’t wait until we get a dog. Mindy:…
Professor: Today we’re learning some words for talking about “affirmative action” programs in the US. Winnie, if a college or business has an affirmative action program, that means it gives…
Jane和Will初次约会,聊到彼此的家庭背景。我知道Jane的父母来自中国,所以我很想听听,作为一个亚裔美国人,Jane的成长经历是什么样的。 Professor: That’s right, Winnie, let’s listen to what they have to say. Will: So Jane, you said that both your parents are from China. How do they like living…
Jane和Will初次约会,想多了解对方,他们谈到了彼此的宗教信仰。Jane的父母来自中国,她是个佛教徒,Will则在美国长大,信基督教。 Professor: That’s right, Winnie. When you talk about religion, it’s important not to offend other people. 没错,在美国,宗教信仰是私人事务,也是个敏感话题,所以谈到这个问题的时候要礼貌、小心, 不然可能会 offend other people – 得罪别人。 Will: So Jane, what religion are…
Professor: Will and Jane are on a date and talking about what kind of TV shows they like to watch, and it so happens that Will loves TV crime dramas.…
Will和Jane在约会时聊天,谈到了”sitcom”, 也就是situation comedy – 情景喜剧。 Professor: Hey Winnie, have you ever watched any American sitcoms? 我以前看过Friends–“六人行”,这算是个sitcom吧? Professor: That’s right! Now let’s see what sitcoms Will and Jane like to watch.…
Will和Jane在约会,俩人聊起了各自爱看的电视节目。 Professor: That’s right, Winnie. Today they are talking about reality TV. “Reality TV” – 电视真人秀! 这种节目其实一点都不真实,我听说,很多情节和对话其实也是按照剧本,有安排的! Professor: Maybe, but they are still entertaining. Will: So Jane, what kind of…
Professor: Toby has applied for a job at a company, and today he has his first interview with Jack, the head of human resources. Toby在简历上把自己吹得神乎其神,今天可有好戏看啦! Professor: So let’s see if…
Toby正在找工作。他以前在大学书店的同事Erin现在在一家电脑公司上班,所以Toby希望能利用这个关系,看看Erin能不能帮自己也在这个公司找个差事。 Professor: Today Toby has brought his resume to give to Erin. Do you think she will help him get a job at her company? 嗯…Toby可不是个勤快能干的人,我希望Erin不要把这种人介绍进自己的公司。 Toby: Hey Erin, it’s…
Toby刚刚大学毕业,急着找工作,不过他遇到了一个大问题,我们一起听听看。 Denise: Hi Toby, how are you doing? You don’t look very well. Toby: Hey Denise. I’m just sad because I can’t find a job. Denise: Yeah, it’s hard to…
Professor: Today we’re learning some advanced words for talking about online social networking. Chloe is helping Matt build his MyFace page. MyFace一听就知道是社交网站。 Matt: Thanks a lot for helping me build…
Chloe家里有很多用不着的东西,她想上网把它们卖了。上次,她的电脑上不了网,东西没卖成。现在,网修好了,Chloe的朋友Matt过来,帮她在网上发帖子卖货。 Professor. That’s right, Winnie. Let’s hope Matt is more helpful selling things than he was fixing the Internet. Matt: Chloe, you are really lucky that I am here to…
Chloe的电脑出了点毛病,她打电话给朋友Matt,让他帮忙看看。 Professor: That’s right, Winnie. Isn’t it good to have friends who understand computers? 那可不,有电脑达人当朋友真不错! Chloe: Hi Matt, thanks for coming over to help me fix my computer. Matt: No…
Professor: In the last episode, Phil borrowed his friend’s car to take a weekend trip to Las Vegas. Now he has come back home and is telling his friend Becky…