美语三级跳 – 012B 开车: 中级课程
Phil想去拉斯维加斯玩儿,可是没有租到合适的车。所以他决定向自己的朋友Tom借敞篷车。 Professor: Winnie, if you had a nice convertible, would you lend it to a friend to go to Las Vegas? 可以借,不过条件是,带我一起去拉斯维加斯! Tom: Well hello Phil. This is certainly a…
一个让你免费在线学习VOA英语的好地方! 无须报名, 不收学费, 全年无休, 保证提高! (^_^)
Phil想去拉斯维加斯玩儿,可是没有租到合适的车。所以他决定向自己的朋友Tom借敞篷车。 Professor: Winnie, if you had a nice convertible, would you lend it to a friend to go to Las Vegas? 可以借,不过条件是,带我一起去拉斯维加斯! Tom: Well hello Phil. This is certainly a…
家住洛杉矶的Phil想趁周末来躺自驾游,去赌城拉斯维加斯享受一番。不过,他得先租辆车。 Professor: Winnie, have you ever gone to Las Vegas? 去过一次。Professor Bowman, 如果我是租车公司老板,一定不愿意把车租给去赌城的人,因为他们可能会连车一起输掉! Phil: Hello, I’d like to rent a car please. Employee: OK, how long do you need it…
Professor: Hannah has a young daughter named Amber who is in second grade. Today Hannah is going in to talk to Amber’s teacher to find out how her daughter has…
Hannah带女儿Amber到公园里玩,和另外一个妈妈聊了起来。 Professor: That’s right, Winnie. Some parents like to take their children to the park so they can meet other parents and talk. When you have kids, you don’t have…
Professor: Today Robert is going over to Liz and Doug’s apartment for dinner party, but he is about to find out that his tastes in food are very different from…
Professor: Doug and Liz are at a supermarket buying food to cook for dinner. In the last episode they ate a lot of fast food, so now they want to…
Doug and Liz正开车去超市买菜,可Doug忽然觉得饿了,想顺道先去快餐店买个汉堡吃。 Professor: Winnie, do you ever get hungry when you go shopping? 当然有啊,所以每次去超市前,我都先要吃得饱饱的,要不然,到了超市里,我就会看见什么买什么! Doug: Hey Liz, I’m really hungry. Let’s stop and eat something. Liz: Alright, where do…
Professor: Christine and Kevin are dating, and today is Christine’s birthday. Kevin bought himself a $1,000 suit so that he would look good for their special date, but then only…
Professor: Today Kevin is going shopping at a clothing store to buy his girlfriend a present for her birthday. What do you think he’s going to get her, Winnie? 他花了1000块钱给自己买了套时髦西装,我估计,他现在肯定没钱了,给女朋友买的八成儿是便宜货!…
Kevin准备在女友生日的时候跟她出去浪漫约会,为此,他特意到商场,打算买身儿精神的衣服。 Professor: Winnie, I think Kevin must be a very good boyfriend. It’s nice of him to buy a new suit for his girlfriend’s birthday. Oh come on, Professor Bowman,…
Professor: Todd just arrived at his parents’ house in Alaska after flying there from California. He is telling his parents about what a disastrous flight he had. 我还担心Todd因为去错了候机楼赶不上飞机呢。这么说他并没有误机,那有什么好倒霉的呢? Professor: Well,…
Todd圣诞节要回阿拉斯加看望父母,他正在机场过安检。 Professor: In this first part, an airport security guard is telling Todd what to do before he goes through the metal detector and puts his bags through the x-ray…
Todd在洛杉矶上学,趁着放寒假,要回阿拉斯加去和父母一块儿过圣诞节。今天,他来到一家旅行社定机票。 Professor: Do you visit your parents on the holiday, Winnie? 当然了,我可是孝顺女儿呢! Agent: Good afternoon sir, may I help you? Todd: Yes, I need to buy a ticket from Los…
Professor: Kevin and Jose are new roommates who are meeting each other for the first time. Jose is from Mexico, and is telling Kevin about his experience coming to America.…
Professor: Kevin and Jose are new roommates who are meeting each other for the first time. Jose is from Mexico, and is telling Kevin about his experience coming to America.…