Month: February 2022

学个词 – 2029. screen time

今天我们要学的词是 screen time. Screen time 屏幕时间,指用在看电视,电脑,游戏机等电子设备上的时间。美国小儿科医学会建议,Children younger than 2 should not have any screen time, while older children should have a maximum of two hours a day. 两岁以下儿童不应该有任何屏幕时间,两岁以上儿童最多只能有两小时。最新研究指出,Children who have…

学个词 – 2028. unexpected

今天我们要学的词是 unexpected. Unexpected 形容词,意思是没有预料到的,意外的。The Canadian economy was hit by an unexpected loss of 28,900 jobs in April. 加拿大四月很意外的损失了两万八千九百个就业机会。有研究显示,自2003年以来,针对美国儿童的犯罪不断减少。研究人员认为,Technology has played an unexpected role as more and more young children have…

学个词 – 2027. diverse

今天我们要学的词是 diverse. Diverse 形容词,意思是不同的,多样的。最近公布的一份报告显示,美国公立中小学学生中有将近半数是少数族裔,但82%的教师都是白人。U.S. teachers are nowhere near as diverse as their students. 美国教师的族群构成远没有学生那样多样化。美国人口普查局预计,到2042年的时候,美国少数族裔人口总数将超过白人。有研究显示,A more racially diverse population will drive white Americans to become more conservative. 一个种族日益多元化的社会将会让美国白人更加走向保守。好的,今天我们学习的词是 diverse, diverse, diverse…

学个词 – 2023. complaint

今天我们要学的词是 complaint. Complaint 做为名词,有抱怨,投诉的意思。The Education Department released the names of 55 colleges that face investigation over their handling of sexual abuse complaints. 教育部公布了55所大学院校的名字,这些学校对性侵犯投诉的处理方式正在受到调查。Russia has filed a complaint against the European…

学个词 – 2019. poised

今天我们要学的词是poised. Poised 形容词,意思是有充分准备的。美国在线影片租赁服务商Netflix今年第一季度业绩颇丰,Netflix is poised to raise prices for the first time in three years. Netflix已经准备好进行三年来的首次提价。London’s transport system is poised for payments by smartphone.伦敦公交系统已经做好了接受智能手机付费的准备。有报道说,President Obama is poised to grant clemency…

学个词 – 2018. maritime

今天我们要学的词是maritime. Maritime 形容词,意思海洋的,海事的。The United States and countries bordering the Pacific have signed a deal to ease maritime tension. 美国和太平洋周边各国签订协议,缓和海事方面的紧张关系。不久前,一艘渡轮在韩国西南海域沉没,据调查,渡轮刚出事时,乘客被告知要待在房里,不要上甲板,The delay in evacuation puzzles maritime experts. 为什么要推迟撤离乘客,这让海洋专家们大感不解。好的,今天我们学习的词是maritime, maritime, maritime…