Month: February 2022

学个词 – 2017. sustainability

今天我们要学的词是 sustainability. Sustainability 名词,意思是可持续性,指不完全破坏自然资源的发展方式。在以保护环境为主旨的世界地球日,Apple invited competitors to copy its sustainability strategy the way they mimic its product designs. 苹果公司向竞争者们发出邀请,希望他们像模仿苹果的产品设计那样复制苹果的可持续性发展战略。IKEA Canada has been named one of Canada’s Greenest Employers for its…

学个词 – 2016. bar

今天我们要学的词是bar. Bar当动词讲是”禁止”的意思。Owners of the sunken South Korean ferry are barred by authorities from leaving the country. 韩国沉没渡轮的船主被当局禁足,不能离开韩国。克里米亚信奉伊斯兰教的少数民族鞑靼人极力反对俄罗斯吞并克里米亚。Russia has barred the leader of the Crimean Tatars from entering Russian territory for…

学个词 – 2015. skeleton

今天我们要学的词是skeleton. Skeleton名词,意思是骨胳,骷髅。British archaeologists have found a 3200-year-old human skeleton that has traces of cancer. 英国考古学家发现了一具3200年前的人体骨架,骨架上带有死者患癌症的迹象。A massive mammoth skeleton had been removed from a coal mine in Siberia. 一副巨大的猛马象骨架被人从西伯利亚的一个煤矿中移出。好的,今天我们学习的词是skeleton, skeleton, skeleton…

学个词 – 2013. laud

今天我们要学的词是 laud. Laud, 动词,意思是称赞,赞美。印度最高法院承认变性人为第三种性别,The landmark judgment was lauded by human rights groups. 这一历史性的裁决受到人权团体的称赞。美国新闻界的最高奖项普利策奖最近举行第98界颁奖仪式,波士顿环球报获得突发新闻奖,The paper was lauded for its comprehensive coverage of the Boston Marathon bombings. 该报对波士顿马拉松比赛爆炸案全面详尽的报道受到赞誉。好的,今天我们学习的词是laud, laud, laud…

学个词 – 2011. reality check

今天我们要学的词是reality check. Reality check的意思是面对现实,看清实际情况。美国推进中东和平的努力连连受挫,U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry declared that “it’s reality check time” on whether an agreement can be reached anytime soon. 美国国务卿克里宣布,“现在应该面对现实,”反思一下双方到底能否迅速达成协议。自从克里米亚危机爆发以来,欧美试图通过停购俄罗斯物资向俄施压,但是,A reality check shows that Europe…

学个词 – 2010. shell out

今天我们要学的是 shell out. To shell out 意思是支付,花费。迪斯尼动画电影“冰雪奇缘”票房火爆,根据电影推出的各种产品也深受小朋友追捧。Some parents are shelling out over $1000 on ebay to get a limited edition of Queen Elsa’s doll. 一些家长不惜花费一千多美元,在ebay上购买电影里Elsa女王的限量版娃娃。统计数字显示,Americans shelled out an all-time high…

学个词 – 2009. burnout

今天我们要学的是 burnout. Burnout 做为名词,意思是疲劳过度。Stress and burnout is becoming an increasingly common concern across all professions. 生活压力和过度疲劳正日益成为各行各业普遍存在的问题。有研究显示,Women tend to feel a sense of burnout more frequently. 女性感觉过度疲劳的情况更为频繁。与此同时,The negative impacts of stress…

学个词 – 2008. peak

今天我们要学的是 peak. Peak 做为名词,意思是顶峰。A recent study suggested that there are two major peaks for happiness, at ages of 23 and 69 respectively. 最近的一项研究显示,人的一生中有两个幸福的顶峰,分别在23岁和69岁。美国劳工部公布的三月份就业数字显示,美国经济三月份增加了19万2千个工作机会。Looking strictly at the private sector, it means…

学个词 – 2007. irreversible

今天我们要学的是 irreversible. Irreversible 是形容词,意思是不可逆转的,无法挽回的。Russian President Vladimir Putin warned Ukrainian leaders against making any irreversible mistakes. 俄罗斯总统普京警告乌克兰领导人,劝他们不要犯下无法挽回的错误。In a report released recently, the UN warned that without checks on emissions, the impacts…

学个词 – 2003. pitch

今天我们要学的是pitch. Pitch当名词可以是推销的意思。为了让更多人购买健康保险,The White House used a high-profile sales pitch, involving celebrities, YouTube videos, and paid media. 白宫动用了高调的推销手段,包括请名人代言,YouTube视频和付费媒体宣传。 虽然马航MH370还没有找到,Some American lawyers have gone to Beijing to make their pitches to relatives…