Month: February 2022

学个词 – 2002. cry foul

今天我们要学的是cry foul. Cry foul 的意思是喊冤,强烈抗议。耐克公司推出了巴西世界杯英格兰国家队版的新款球衣,不过定价不菲,Fans in England cried foul over the £90 cost for an England World Cup shirt. 英国球迷们对这件定价90英镑的英格兰世界杯球衣骂声一片。Turkey opposition groups cry foul during the election protests. 土耳其反对派组织在与选举有关的抗议活动中表示强烈不满。 好的,今天我们学习的词是…

学个词 – 2001. glaring

今天我们要学的是glaring. Glaring 形容词,意思是显著的,易见的。美国通用公司因产品缺陷召回百万辆汽车,Congressional investigators are asking GM why the glaring red flags over the years failed to prompt an earlier recall. 国会调查人员在质问通用公司,为什么多年来明显的危险信号没能让公司更早地召回产品。马来西亚政府全文公布失踪MH370客机通话记录,驾驶舱传出的最后一句话同之前给出的内容不同 The glaring discrepancies have led to criticisms on…

学个词 – 2000. dim

今天我们要学的是dim. Dim 做为动词,意思是变暗。美国华盛顿州发生泥石流,造成多人死亡,Hope for survivors of the landslide dims as the number of victims grows. 随着泥石流遇难者人数的增加,发现幸存者的希望也变得越来越渺茫。 Falling Chinese stock prices and losses in Alibaba’s IPO have dimmed the luster of…

学个词 – 1999. expel

今天我们要学的是expel. Expel是驱逐,开除的意思。俄罗斯吞并克里米亚引发欧美国家抗议,World leaders called for Russia to be suspended from the G8, but stopped short of demanding that Moscow be expelled. 世界各国领导人提出暂停俄罗斯八国集团成员国的地位,但没有要求将俄罗斯开除。 Taiwan’s police expelled students and citizens from Taiwan’s…

学个词 – 1998. on the lam

今天我们要学的是on the lam. Lam 在口语中是逃亡的意思。On the lam 指“在潜逃中”。A convicted killer who escaped the military’s prison in Kansas had been on the lam for 37 years before being captured. 一名从堪萨斯军队监狱越狱的杀人犯逃亡37年后被捕。美国警方在佛罗里达州的一幢豪华船屋里逮捕了一名66岁的老太太。She was…

学个词 – 1997. swift

今天我们要学的是swift. Swift, 形容词,意思是快速的。埃及前总统穆尔西的支持者被控暴力袭警,An Egyptian court sentenced 529 people to death in a swift, two-day mass trial. 埃及一家法院在为期两天的快速集体审判中,判处529人死刑。President Barack Obama warned Russian President Vladimir Putin that he would face a swift…

学个词 – 1996. veer

今天我们要学的是 veer. Veer, 动词,意思是转向,改变。马来西亚宣布马航MH370在印度洋坠毁,Analysis showed that the plane veered west from its flight path and flew to a remote location. 分析显示,航班偏离原本航线向西飞行,进入一个偏远的地带。中国云南省发生一起车祸,A minibus with 29 passengers veered off the road and…

学个词 – 1995. cede

今天我们要学的是cede. Cede is spelled cede, cede. Cede 动词,意思是放弃,割让。由于搜索工作进展不利,Malaysian authorities began ceding some of their control over the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 to several other nations. 马来西亚政府开始将马航370搜索工作的一部分控制权让给其它国家。The U.S. will…

学个词 – 1994. dire

今天我们要学的是dire. Dire, 形容词,意思是可怕的,悲惨的。彭博商业周刊报道说,The Dean of UC Berkeley’s Business School made a dire forecast that half of the business schools in the U.S. could be gone by 2020. 加州大学伯克利分校商学院院长作出可怕预测,说到2020年可能美国一半的商学院都会关门。Displaced people in…

学个词 – 1992. incredulity

今天我们要学的是 incredulity. Incredulity, 名词,意思是不信,怀疑。在对失踪的马航MH370航班的搜寻中,Families and friends of both pilots have expressed incredulity that they would have diverted the plane. 两位飞行员的家人和朋友都表示,无法相信这两人会故意让飞机飞离航线。不久前,埃及的一名军医说,埃及军方发现了治疗艾滋病毒的方法,This has been met with incredulity throughout the scientific community. 整个科学界对这一说法表示难以置信。好的,今天我们学习的词是…

学个词 – 1991. annex

今天我们要学的是 annex. Annex, 动词,是使并入,纳入的意思。Russian President Putin signed a draft treaty with Crimean leaders to annex Crimea. 俄罗斯总统普京同克里米亚领导人签署了将克里米亚纳入俄罗斯的草案协议。Annex的名词形式是Annexation. Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the Russian annexation of Crimea violent and…

学个词 – 1989. leading

今天我们要学的词是leading. Leading 形容词,意思是主要的,首要的。美国临床肿瘤学协会最新报告说,Cancer will replace heart disease as the leading cause of death in the U.S. by 2030. 到2030年的时候,癌症将取代心脏病,成为在美国导致人口死亡的第一大原因。最新数字显示,Netflix has surpassed Youtube as the leading online video service for watching…

学个词 – 1988. alter

今天我们要学的词是alter. Alter 做为动词,意思是改变。Japan will not alter its apology to World War II “comfort women”. 日本不会改变对二战期间慰安妇做出的道歉。The Obama Administration is abandoning a plan to alter Medicare drug coverage rules. 美国政府将放弃对联邦医疗保险处方药承保范围的相关规定进行修改的计划。The Associated Press…