Month: February 2022

学个词 – 1942. blindside

今天我们要学的词是 blind side. Blind-side 做为动词,有被蒙在鼓里,令人措手不及的意思。The TV host was blind-sided when the network decided to send him packing. 电视台决定让节目主持人走路,但是事前他丝毫不知情,让他感到措手不及。新泽西州州长克里斯蒂说,他对助手涉嫌参与乔治华盛顿大桥丑闻案毫不知情。 Chris Christie insisted that he was blind-sided, but would take responsibility for…

学个词 – 1940. out-of-state

今天我们要学的词是 out-of-state. out-of-state 意思是外州的。A federal judge ruled that Ohio must recognize out-of-state same-sex marriages when processing death certificates. 一位联邦法官做出裁决,要求俄亥俄州在处理死亡证明的时候,承认在外州登记注册的同性婚姻关系。美国科罗拉多州从2014年1月1号开始,可以正式合法出售大麻。Out-of-state buyers can only purchase a quarter of an ounce at a…

学个词 – 1939. pale in comparison

今天我们要学的词是 pale in comparison. To pale in comparison 意思是相形见绌。In terms of performance, the U.S. hedge fund industry paled in comparison to U.S. stocks in 2013. 2013年美国避险基金的表现跟美国股市比相形见绌。统计数字显示,1977年到2004年间,美国马里兰州在监狱里服刑的女囚人数增长了百分之353。 The figure pales in…

学个词 – 1938. rekindle

今天我们要学的词是 rekindle. Rekindle 是动词,意思是重新点燃。一半以上参加海军陆战队新兵集训的女兵都无法完成三个引体向上的基本体能要求。It rekindled the debate on whether women have the physical strength for some military jobs. 这种情况重新启动了关于女性是否有足够体能完成某些军队工作的辩论。Two recent terror attacks in the Russian city of Volgograd rekindled fears…

学个词 – 1936. accomplish

今天我们要学的词是 accomplish. Accomplish 是动词,意思是实现,完成。A 40-year-old Seattle woman accomplished her goal of eating only Starbucks food for a whole year. 美国西雅图市一个四十岁的女性完成了自己整整一年只吃星巴克食物的目标。纽约前市长布隆伯格上星期正式结束了他12年的任期。Mayor Bloomberg accomplished a lot of things during his 12-year tenure,…

学个词 – 1935. guarantee

今天我们要学的词是 guarantee. Guarantee 做名词时意思是保证。A growing number of colleges in the U.S. are offering tuition guarantees. Students no longer have to worry about tuition hikes down the road. 美国越来越多的学校推出学费价格保证政策,学生不用再担心在校期间学费会涨价。克里姆林宫保证说,最近获得特赦的霍多尔科夫斯基可以返回俄罗斯。不过,Khodorkovsky said that…

学个词 – 1934. offset

今天我们要学的词是 offset. Offset 是动词,意思是抵销。Daily exercise can offset the negative effects of holiday binging. 每天锻炼可以消除假日大吃大喝带来的负面影响。今年假日购物期间,美国消费者网上购物流量大增,不过,The growth was offset by a decline in physical stores. 网上购物的增长被消费者在实体店购物的减少抵销掉了。The postal service will increase the price…

学个词 – 1931. overwhelm

今天我们要学的词是 overwhelm. Overwhelm 是动词,有超过承受能力的意思。Thousands of holiday gifts didn’t arrive before Christmas because UPS was overwhelmed by higher-than-expected demand. 由于邮件数量超出了UPS快递服务的预期水平,数以千计本应圣诞节前送达的礼物都没能按时送抵客户手中。塔吉特公司客户信用卡信息失窃发生后,Worried customers overwhelmed Target’s customer service hotline. 担心受此影响的客户纷纷打电话给塔吉特公司,使其客户服务热线应接不暇。好的,今天我们学习的词是 overwhelm, overwhelm, overwhelm…

学个词 – 1929. pointed

今天我们要学的词是 pointed. Pointed 是形容词,意思是尖锐的。The couple exchanged some pointed remarks at the dinner party. 这对夫妇在晚宴上言辞针锋相对,互不相让。白宫宣布,美国总统奥巴马和夫人,以及副总统拜登都不准备出席这次在俄罗斯举行的冬季奥运会。It was a pointed snub by the White House, which is currently feuding with Russian leaders over…

学个词 – 1928. mayhem

今天我们要学的词是 mayhem. Mayhem 是名词,意思是极度混乱。感恩节过后的黑色星期五向来都是抢购打折商品的高峰。Mayhem erupted as shoppers used fists and knives to fight over the heavily-discounted electronics. 为了争夺大减价的电器,购物者拳脚相加,甚至动刀子,出现混乱状态。十二月中旬耶路撒冷下大雪。The storm overwhelmed public emergency services, causing mayhem across the region. 这场大雪让公共应急部门应接不暇,给整个地区带来了混乱。好的,今天我们学习的词是 mayhem,…