Month: February 2022

学个词 – 3350. nuanced

今天我们要学的词是 nuanced. nuance 是指声音、表情、外貌等的细微差别。它的形容词形式 nuanced就是细致入微的意思。Amid unpredictable actors, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell must project calm and stability as he weighs distinct risks requiring different and highly nuanced judgments. 在有些因素无法预测的情况下,美联储主席鲍威尔在权衡各种风险时要做出不同且细致入微的判断,同时必须表现出冷静和稳定。 Local…

学个词 – 3337. divest

今天我们要学的词是 divest. divest与invest,投资,相对应,意思是撤资。 Officials in Charlottesville, Virginia, have voted to divest the city’s operating budget investments from any entity involved in the production of fossil fuels or weapons. 维吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔市官员投票决定,从所有化石燃料或武器生产相关企业撤出该市的运营预算投资。 The…

学个词 – 3331. arsenal

今天我们要学的词是 arsenal. arsenal 的原意是军火库,多用来形容军事力量,军事装备。 The United States military is increasing its arsenal in the Middle East to counter Iranian threats by deploying ships and Patriot missiles into the region. 美国正在通过向中东地区部署舰船和爱国者导弹来加强在当地的军事力量,来对抗伊朗的威胁。

学个词 – 3328. decry

今天我们要学的词是 decry. decry 的意思是谴责、抨击。 Seventy countries urged North Korea to scrap its nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles and related programs, decrying the “undiminished threat” posed to world peace. 70个国家敦促朝鲜废除其核武器、弹道导弹和相关项目,谴责它们对世界和平构成“无法消除的威胁”。 The French…