Month: February 2022

学个词 – 1888. projected

今天我们要学的词是 projected. Projected 形容词,意思是预计的,预测的。The World Series is projected to bring a $45 million boost to Boston’s economy. 美国职业棒球大赛预计将给波士顿经济带来4500万美元的收益。研究机构预计,Shipments of tablets are projected to grow 53.4 percent in 2013. 2013年平面电脑的发货总量预计会增长53.4%. The…

学个词 – 1887. decorative

今天我们要学的词是 decorative. Decorative 装饰性的。万圣节将至,The FDA has cautioned against buying non-prescription decorative contact lenses because they could cause serious damage to your eyes. 美国食品和药物管理局警告民众不要上网或是在万圣节商品专卖店购买非处方的装饰性隐形眼镜,因为它们可能会给眼睛带来严重伤害。A tourist sued a Dubai hotel after falling…

学个词 – 1886. contractor

今天我们要学的词是 contractor. Contractor 合同工。最新报告显示,Hundreds of Internal Revenue Service contractor employees owe a total of $5.4 million in back taxes. 美国国家税务局的几百名合同员工拖欠未交的税款总计540万美元。美国国会就奥巴马医保网站出现的技术故障举行听证会。Contractor companies told the House panel that they did not have…

学个词 – 1885. hands-down

今天我们要学的词是 hands-down. Hands-down 意思是肯定地,轻而易举地。流感季节到了。In terms of safety and effectiveness, soap and water beats sanitizers hands-down. 从安全和有效性的角度看,用肥皂和清水洗手,绝对胜过洗手液。2013年还没有结束,不过,很多影评家都认为,Captain Philips, played by Tom Hanks, is hands-down the best movie of the year. 汤姆.汉克斯出演的菲利普斯船长绝对是今年最棒的一部电影。好的,今天我们学习的词是…

学个词 – 1882. relieved

今天我们要学的词是 relieved. Relieved 形容词,意思是感到放松的,松了一口气的。Wall Street was relieved after a deal was struck to avoid a U.S. default. 避免美国政府债务违约的协议达成后,华尔街总算松了一口气。The local community was relieved by the arrest of the robbery suspect. 抢劫案嫌疑人被捕,社区居民才算松了一口气。Parents…

学个词 – 1881. back pay

今天我们要学的词是 back pay. Back pay 意思是补发工资。All federal employees furloughed during the partial government shutdown will get back pay. 美国政府部门部分停摆期间所有被迫休假的联邦雇员都将补发工资。与此同时,某些州政府雇员的工作也因为联邦政府关门而受到影响。一些州议员呼吁,State employees should be treated fairly and receive back pay just like…

学个词 – 1880. oblivious

今天我们要学的词是 oblivious. Oblivious 形容词,不在意的,未察觉的。旧金山地铁发生枪击案,在拥挤的站台上,居然没有人注意到枪手多次掏枪瞄准。All the passengers standing near the shooter were engrossed with their smart phones or tablets, completely oblivious to their surroundings. 站在枪手附近的乘客都在全神贯注地看手机或是平板电脑,对周围的情况丝毫没有察觉。A Zimbabwean man slept through the night,…

学个词 – 1879. critic

今天我们要学的词是 critic. Critic 名词,批评者。A Russian court ordered a critic of President Putin to be committed to a psychiatric hospital. 俄罗斯的一家法院裁定,将总统普京的一名批评者送进精神病院。越南一家法院以逃税的罪名,判处一位著名人权活动人士两年半刑期。美国使馆发表声明说,The use of tax laws by Vietnamese authorities to imprison government…

学个词 – 1877. impasse

今天我们要学的词是 impasse. Impasse 名词,意思是僵局。The International Monetary Fund thinks an ongoing debt impasse in Congress could be catastrophic. 国际货币基金组织认为,美国国会在借贷上限问题上处于僵持不下的局面会带来灾难性后果。The United States has canceled a military exercise with Japan because of the…

学个词 – 1876. partial

今天我们要学的词是 partial. Partial 形容词,部分的。麻萨诸塞州一份研究显示,The partial government shutdown is costing the U.S. $160 million each business day. 美国政府部分停摆,每个工作日造成的经济损失达1.6亿美元。A California wildfire forced a partial evacuation of a Southern California military base. 加州野火迫使加州南部的一个军事基地被迫部分疏散。The…

学个词 – 1875. grope for

今天我们要学的词是 grope for. Grope for, 探索。美国急需提高债务上限以避免破产,Both sides of congress groped for a possible solution as concerns over the need to raise American’s $16.7 trillion debt ceiling increased. 民众关注美国需要提高16.7万亿美元借债上限,国会两党探寻解决方案。上周美国政府部分关闭,I groped for…