Month: February 2022

学个词 – 1844. stray

今天我们要学的词是 stray. Stray 做为形容词,意思是走失的,流浪的。Stray cats 流浪猫。底特律经济萧条,连动物收容机构也受到影响,有报道说,As many as 50,000 stray dogs are roaming the city. 底特律街头有多达五万条流浪狗到处游荡。A Michigan animal welfare group created a map of animal shelters, hoping to help owners…

学个词 – 1843. baseless

今天我们要学的词是 baseless. Baseless 是形容词,意思是毫无根据的。The Syrian government said the reports that it used nerve gas against civilians are baseless. 叙利亚政府拒绝承认对平民使用神经毒气,称这种说法毫无根据。不久前,印度声称,身穿巴基斯坦军装的人发动突袭,造成五名印度士兵丧生。Pakistan rejected the allegations as being baseless and unfounded. 巴基斯坦方面拒绝承认,并表示,这一指责是毫无根据的。好的,今天我们学习的词是 baseless, baseless,…

学个词 – 1841. counsel

今天我们要学的词是 counsel. To counsel 是建议,忠告的意思。Her lawyer counseled her against taking legal actions. 律师建议她不要采取法律行动。A U.S. task force recommends that primary care doctors counsel children and teens against tobacco use. 美国的一个工作小组建议,家庭医生应该向未成年人提供不要吸烟的建议。一份最新解密的英国文件显示,The British…

学个词 – 1839. misbehaving

今天我们要学的词是 misbehaving. Misbehaving 形容词,意思是表现不好的,行为不端的。A new study listed a number of signs that misbehaving children may become extremely successful. 一份最新研究列举了一系列迹象,那些表现不好,但是带有这些特征的孩子,长大后很可能会极其成功。Compelled by the U.S. Justice Department, a Mississippi school district has agreed…

学个词 – 1835. hypothetical

今天我们要学的词是 hypothetical. Hypothetical 形容词,意思是假设的,假想的。Senator John McCain called a hypothetical 2016 presidential race between Hilary Clinton and Senator Rand Paul “a tough choice.” 美国联邦参议员麦凯恩说,如果希拉里.克林顿和联邦参议员兰德.保罗在2016年总统大选中对角的话,他很难在二者间做出选择。有研究显示,In hypothetical situations, women are less likely to…

学个词 – 1834. perfection

今天我们要学的词是 perfection. Perfection 意思是完美,尽善尽美。The lamb chop was cooked to perfection. 这羊排做得无懈可击。She is a workaholic, who always strives for perfection. 她是个工作狂,而且做什么事都追求尽善尽美。皮尤研究中心的统计数字显示,2011年美国人里只有51%处于已婚状态,远远低于1960年时的72%。 Experts say part of the reason is that some people…

学个词 – 1832. flimsy

今天我们要学的词是flimsy. Flimsy 形容词,意思是脆弱的,不足的,站不住脚的。Prosecutors dropped the case against the defendant due to flimsy evidence. 起诉方因为证据不足,撤回了对被告的起诉。近年来,在美国很多地方,禁止吸烟的警告牌已经开始从室内向室外转移。不过,有专家指出, Medical evidence showing that smoking outdoors poses a risk to passers-by is flimsy. 二手烟在室外环境下对过路人可能构成的危害,医学上的证据还很不充分。好的,今天我们学习的词是 flimsy, flimsy,…