Month: February 2022

学个词 – 1817. feature

今天我们要学的词是feature. Feature 做为动词,意思是给某人某事做特写。Rolling Stone defended its controversial cover photo featuring the Boston bombings suspect after it triggered a public outcry. 滚石杂志新一期封面用的是波士顿爆炸案嫌疑人的特写,引起公众的强烈不满,滚石杂志为自己的决定做出辩护。A new Lifetime series will feature a closeted gay baseball…

学个词 – 1815. blood drive

今天我们要学的词是blood drive. Blood drive 是献血活动的意思。The first national gay blood drive was held recently to combat the FDA’s ban on blood donations from gay and bisexual men. 美国不久前举行了第一次全国性的同性恋献血活动,专门针对美国食品药物管理局禁止同性恋和双性恋男性献血的禁令。Blood drive organizers wanted…

学个词 – 1814. precision

今天我们要学的词是precision. Precision 名词,是精确度的意思。有报道说,Over the next few years, Russia will significantly increase the number of high-precision weapons it has, including cruise missiles. 在今后几年里,俄罗斯将大幅度增加包括巡航导弹在内的高精度武器的数量。The U.S. Navy landed a fighter-sized drone on an…

学个词 – 1813. arena

今天我们要学的词是arena. Arena 名词,意思是舞台,竞技场。Making a rare return to the political arena, former President George W. Bush urged Congress to make a “positive resolution” on immigration reform. 美国前总统乔治.W.布什少见地重现政治舞台,呼吁国会在移民改革的问题上达成“正面积极的决议”。Former New York Governor Eliot…

学个词 – 1809. fitness

今天我们要学的词是fitness. Fitness 身体健康状况。随着网络空间战的激烈化,各国都在招兵买马,搜罗网络电脑人才。Britain is waiving the fitness test when recruiting new cyber soldiers. 英国招募空间战斗人员时,不要求他们接受体格考核。In the U.S., fitness DVDs bring in about $265 million annually. 在美国,健身DVD每年的销售额高达2.65亿美元。美国肯特州立大学的一项研究显示,High cell phone use is linked…

学个词 – 1808. overly

今天我们要学的词是overly. Overly 过多的,过份的。Critics say the new rules are overly restrictive. 批评人士指责说,新规定过于严格了。一项最新研究显示,Overly cheerful women are less likely to be promoted. 每天老是兴高采烈的女性,跟其他人比,得到升职的机会比较少。家长关爱孩子没有错,但是孩子长大了一定要学会放手。Helicopter parents who are overly involved in their adult children’s lives…

学个词 – 1807. critical

今天我们要学的词是critical. Critical 形容词,重要的。Proactively managing your health is critical to staying healthy. 积极注意自己的身体对保持健康很重要。Experts say getting enough sleep plays a critical role in maintaining good health. 有关专家说,保证睡眠充足对身体健康有很重要的作用。Location is a critical factor for…