Month: February 2022

学个词 – 1775. oust

今天我们要学的词是oust. Oust,动词,意思是取代,逐出。美国国税局被指故意在税务问题上刁难保守派组织,为此,President Obama ousted the acting commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service. 奥巴马总统把税务局代理局长革职。Russian authorities are ousting a U.S. official they accused of being a CIA spy. 俄罗斯政府将把一名他们怀疑是中情局特工的美国官员驱逐出境。Former Egyptian President Mubarak…

学个词 – 1774. patchwork

今天我们要学的词是patchwork. Patchwork的意思是拼凑的、不统一的东西。美国联邦卫生教育福利部提议出台全国统一的幼儿园安全标准,the new regulations would supersede the current patchwork of health and safety standards set by each State. 新的规章将取代目前各州自行设定的不统一的卫生和安全标准。The EU is proposing to replace the current patchwork approach to data…

学个词 – 1773. mollify

今天我们要学的词是mollify. Mollify的意思是安抚,平息。雅虎公司几个月前取消了雇员远程工作的权利, The company has announced an expanded maternity leave policy to mollify critics of its telecommuting ban. 为了平息取消远程工作所引发的批评,雅虎宣布延长员工的产假时间。美国总统奥巴马将涉嫌滥用职权的国税局负责人撤职,不过,Some question whether the Obama administration’s moves will be sufficient to mollify…

学个词 – 1772. menial

今天我们要学的词是menial. Menial的意思是卑微的,适合仆人做的。因庞氏骗局而被捕入狱的金融诈骗贩马多夫曾经身价过亿, but now he makes 40 dollars a month doing menial prison labor. 但他现在在监狱里做着卑微的工作,每个月只挣40美元。据报道,虽然希腊失业率居高不下,但很多农场的体力活除了外来移民,还是没人愿意干,Greek citizens regard this type of menial, low-paying work as being beneath them. 希腊人觉得他们不屑于去做这种卑贱,薪水低的工作。好的,今天我们学习的词是 menial, menial,…

学个词 – 1771. false alarm

今天我们要学的词是false alarm. False alarm的意思是乌龙,假警报。美国德州遭受龙卷风袭击,据说,On average, roughly 70% of all tornado warnings are false alarms. 平均来说,大约有百分之70的龙卷风警报都是虚惊一场。报假火警会浪费公用资源,Some cities in the U.S. are considering starting to issue fines for false alarms. 美国的一些城市在考虑,对报假火警的人予以罚款。美国联邦参议员莱文的办公室收到可疑信件,Preliminary FBI…

学个词 – 1770. mixed

今天我们要学的词是mixed. Mixed 混合的。有研究显示,Teens have mixed feelings about being friends with their parents on Facebook. 十几岁的青少年对在社交网站脸书上跟父母互相关注存在矛盾的心情。The new book received mixed reviews from critics. 书评人士对这本新书有的说好,有的说坏,评价不一。My friend Sara is getting mixed signals from…

学个词 – 1769. record-breaking

今天我们要学的词是record-breaking. Record-breaking破记录的。A record-breaking heat wave is raising the risk of fire in the Seattle area. 西雅图出现破记录的热浪天气,增加了火灾的风险。The annual celebration is drawing a record-breaking crowd. 一年一度的庆祝活动吸引了众多参观者,人数冲破了往年的记录。Iron Man 3 had a record-breaking opening…

学个词 – 1768. piece together

今天我们要学的词是piece together. To piece together 意思是拼凑起来。Federal investigators are hoping that several clues will help them piece together the life of the deceased Boston bombing suspect. 联邦调查人员希望,掌握的若干线索能帮助他们把波士顿爆炸案嫌疑人的生活路径拼凑起来。美国克里夫兰刚刚有三个被绑架多年的女子获救。It’s only in the aftermath…

学个词 – 1767. revise

今天我们要学的词是 revise. Revise 动词,是修改,修订的意思。Lawmakers who back gun control will revise the defeated background check bill in order to win enough votes to pass it. 支持枪支管制的国会议员准备修改被联邦参议院否决的背景调查法案,希望能得到足够的支持票。日本高级政府官员说,Japan doesn’t plan to revise its…

学个词 – 1764. resurface

今天我们要学的词是 resurface。Resurface 动词, 意思是“重新出现”。An American woman resurfaced after going missing and abandoning her family for 11 years. 一个美国妇女在抛弃家庭,失踪11年之后,重新出现在家人面前。奥巴马总统提名北卡罗莱纳州民主党众议员瓦特担任联邦住房金融署主任,Some racially charged comments made by Watt in the past few years have…

学个词 – 1763. rage

今天我们要学的词是 rage。Rage 当动词用时有“迅速而强力地蔓延,肆虐”的意思。 比如,The plague raged in the village for a year. 瘟疫在村子里横行了一年。Wildfires rage along the California coast, destroying homes and forcing hundreds to flee. 野火在美国加州海岸地区肆虐,烧毁房屋,迫使数百人逃走。Violence continued across Syria with…

学个词 – 1762. newfound

今天我们要学的词是 newfoundNewfound 新发现的。The members of the little-known band were shocked at their newfound success after their latest song became a big hit. 这个鲜为人知的乐队凭借一首新歌一举成名,新的成功让他们感到格外意外和惊讶。菲律宾一个14岁的男孩在youtube上传的歌曲视频短短十天就达到了百万点击,受到邀请,到美国参加艾伦.德杰尼勒斯的节目。The boy is said to be “happy and…