Month: February 2022

学个词 – 1760. nonstop

今天我们要学的词是 nonstop。Nonstop 意思是不停歇的,不间断的。They have been working nonstop since this morning. 他们从今天早上开始,一直在不停地工作。The movie is packed with nonstop action. 这个电影从头到尾都是动作场面。The case received nonstop coverage by the media. 媒体对这起案件进行了毫不间断的报道。Delta Airlines will launch its…

学个词 – 1758. uneven

今天我们要学的词是 uneven. Uneven 形容词,意思是不均衡的。In terms of household wealth, there was an uneven recovery during the 2009-2011 economic rebound. 2009年到2011年经济复苏期间,家庭财富的恢复很不均衡。国际货币基金组织指导委员会说,The recovery of the global economy remains uneven, with jobs in short…

学个词 – 1757. honorary

今天我们要学的词是honorary. Honorary 形容词,意思是荣誉的。Ben Affleck will receive an honorary Doctorate from Brown University. 本.阿弗莱克将接受布朗大学颁发的荣誉博士学位。 will accept a 2013 Clio Honorary Award. 将接受2013年克里奥荣誉奖。克里奥奖是广告,设计和交流领域内的国际著名奖项。The two civilians who died while helping at the…

学个词 – 1753. wipe out

今天我们要学的词是 wipe out. To wipe out 意思是彻底销毁,损失。野生动物机构说,Pollution on the British coastline may wipe out a whole generation of seabirds. 一起污染事件可能会造成英国一段海岸线附近的一代海鸟全部死亡。最新研究结果认为,The Mayan civilization was wiped out by drought. 玛雅人是因为干旱天气而消亡的。世界银行说,Extreme global poverty…

学个词 – 1749. finance

今天我们要学的词是 finance。Finance 做为动词,是出钱的意思。A new report says that publicly financed sports arenas don’t provide an economic benefits to communities. 一项最新报告说,公共投资兴建的体育场馆不会给社区带来经济效益。美国总统奥巴马提出新预算。The budget includes a $77 billion expansion plan for preschool education financed…

学个词 – 1748. prepaid

今天我们要学的词是 prepaid。Prepaid 预付的。Many states in the U.S. offer prepaid tuition plans for public universities. 美国很多州都提供预付公立大学学费的计划。Justin Bieber is launching a new prepaid debit card aimed at teens. 贾斯汀.比伯准备发行一个新的借记卡,主要吸引十几岁的青少年用户。一项最近研究显示,People between the age…