Month: February 2022

学个词 – 1745. paycheck

今天我们要学的词是 paycheck。Paycheck 工资单。为了显示跟被迫停薪休假的联邦雇员同甘共苦,President Obama will give 5% of his paycheck back to the federal government. 美国总统奥巴马将拿出工资的5%来还给国库。在美国,一个典型中产阶级家庭把孩子养大到17岁,平均要花费23万5千美元。对于学龄孩子的家长来说,Costs from their children’s extracurricular activities like football, gymnastics, and music lessons, chip away at…

学个词 – 1744. marked

今天我们要学的词是 marked。Marked 显著的。比如,a marked increase 显著增加。There has been a marked improvement in the quality of service at the restaurant after the change of ownership. 餐馆易主后,服务质量出现了明显改善。最新调查显示,将近一半的年轻女性,第一次跟男友同居时都处于未婚状态。The result is a marked change…

学个词 – 1743. ghost writer

今天我们要学的词是ghost writer。Ghost writer 代笔作者,捉刀人。Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is taking heat for hiring Marc Thiessen, who vocally supports “enhanced interrogation techniques”, as his ghost writer. 威斯康辛州长沃克因为找马克.泰森代写新书而受到批评,因为泰森公开支持使用强化审讯手段。Michael Malice, the celebrity ghost writer,…

学个词 – 1742. wholesale

今天我们要学的词是 wholesale。Wholesale 除了大家都知道的批发的意思,做为形容词,还有全盘的意思。美国新国防部长哈格尔说,It’s time for a wholesale reexamination of the main drivers of defense costs. 眼下该对国防开支的主要驱动因素重新进行全面考查了。最新研究显示,多吃纤维可以降低中风的可能。健康专家说,纤维主要来自全谷物食品和水果蔬菜。 Increasing your fiber intake doesn’t mean a wholesale change of your diet. 增加纤维摄取量并不意味着彻底改变饮食结构。好的,今天我们学习的词是 wholesale,…

学个词 – 1741. chain

今天我们要学的词是 chain。Chain 除了大家都知道的,有锁链的意思,还有连锁店的意思。The American drug store Walgreens became the first retail store chain to expand its services to include diagnosing and treating patients for chronic conditions. 美国医药连锁店沃而格林成为美国第一家扩展服务项目,为患者诊断和治疗慢性疾病的零售连锁店。Employees at fast food…