Month: February 2022

学个词 – 3311. thwart

今天我们要学的词是 thwart. thwart 的意思是阻碍,阻挠。U.S. Federal investigators have thwarted what they say could’ve been a massive terrorist attack after they discovered a stockpile of weapons in a Maryland home. 美国联邦调查人员在马里兰州的一所住宅发现了大量武器,挫败了他们所说的一起大规模恐怖袭击事件。 Banning…

学个词 – 3308. billow

今天我们要学的词是 billow. Billow作为动词的意思是波浪一般的涌动、翻腾。A major fire irrupted in the famed Medieval Notre-Dame cathedral in central Paris, with smoke billowing over the city. 巴黎市中心著名的中世纪古迹巴黎圣母院内燃起大火,巴黎上空弥漫着滚滚浓烟。 billow也可用作名词。For many people, the idea that the black…

学个词 – 3298. coffers

今天我们要学的词是 coffers. coffer 是指贵重物品保险箱,coffers则特指一个组织、政党、政府的金库。 Algeria’s political unrest threatens the Cuban government’s coffers as its health-services-for-oil agreement with the North African country might come undone. 阿尔及利亚的政治动荡威胁到古巴政府的金库,因为古巴与这个北非国家以卫生服务换取石油的协议可能会被取消。 Gambia’s president called for a…