Month: February 2022

学个词 – 3263. fabricated

今天我们要学的词是 fabricated. Fabricated is spelled f-a-b-r-i-c-a-t-e-d, fabricated. Fabricated意思是捏造的,无中生有的。Virginia Lieutenant Gov. Justin Fairfax said reports that he committed sexual assault are fabricated. 维吉尼亚州副州长费尔法克斯说,有关他性侵的报道是无中生有。Venezuela’s Maduro government refused to accept humanitarian assistance, calling…

学个词 – 3262. candidacy

今天我们要学的词是 candidacy. Candidacy is spelled c-a-n-d-i-d-a-c-y, candidacy. Candidacy意思是候选人身份。U.S. Representative Tulsi Gabbard officially declared her candidacy for the Democratic Party’s 2020 presidential nomination. 美国国会众议院议员盖巴德正式宣布,参选2020年民主党总统候选人提名。Thailand’s King Maha Vajiralongkorn called his older sister’s…

学个词 – 3261. hands off

今天我们要学的词是 hands-off. Hands-off is spelled h-a-n-d-s dash o-f-f, Hands-off. Hands-off意思是放手的,不插手的。The EU-backed International Contact Group on Venezuela called for a more hands-off approach. 由欧盟支持的委内瑞拉国际接触团体呼吁在委内瑞拉问题上采取更为放手的方式。Large numbers of Venezuelan citizens have signed a…

学个词 – 3255. biennial

今天我们要学的词是 biennial. Biennial 的意思是两年一次的。North Korea is no longer South Korea’s “enemy,” though Pyongyang’s nuclear program still poses a security threat, according to Seoul’s biennial defense document published recently. 首尔最近公布的两年一期的国防文件中称,尽管平壤的核计划仍构成安全威胁,但朝鲜不再是韩国的“敌人”。 While…