Month: February 2022

学个词 – 3252. discern

今天我们要学的词是 discern. Discern 的意思是识别、辨别、发现。Over the years, outside analysts have closely followed visits by North Korean leaders to factories, farms and military units to discern the regime’s policy priorities. 多年来,外界分析人士密切关注朝鲜领导人视察工厂、农场和军队的动向,以辨别出朝鲜政权在政策上的轻重缓急。 The…

学个词 – 3251. lethal

今天我们要学的词是 lethal. lethal 的意思是致命的、有杀伤力的。US Military analysts are increasingly concerned about North Korea’s “advanced, underestimated and highly lethal” bioweapons program. 美国军方分析人士越来越担忧朝鲜“先进的、被低估而有高度杀伤力”的生化武器计划。 Israel’s new military chief pledged to lead a “lethal, efficient…

学个词 – 3242. deluge

今天我们要学的词是 deluge. deluge 来自法语,原意是洪水泛滥,引申出来是大量的、过多的。A larger-than-usual deluge of Democratic Party contenders eying the 2020 election is expected to hit the Midwestern state of Iowa within the coming year. 民主党内争夺2020年大选候选人资格的人数大大超过常规,预计他们明年将进军中西部的爱荷华州。 The Weather…